Contacting NCC

This is the place to come to contact our organization. Because there are a number of different topics you may wish to discuss, we've categorized them so that your inquiry can be directed to the NCC member who can best answer you. Note that the person who answers your inquiry is a volunteer working on their own time. A response to your inquiry may therefore take a few days. Please have patience.

If you would like us to help you identify an item of glass, you can use the form below to include a photograph of the piece. Simply use the button labeled "BROWSE" to find the image file on your PC, and we'll upload it to our web site so we can check it out. Do not worry that the entire path to the file shows in the box - only the file will be uploaded to our site, not the drive and directory information.

Please be aware that as a not-for-profit organization we cannot appraise items. For assistance in determining Cambridge Glass value estimates NCC recommends contacting your local antique dealer or one of the dealers in our dealers directory.

Three fields are required: your name (so we know who you are), your email address (so we can get back to you), and the text of the message you wish to send to us. Be sure to fill in all three of them. Thanks for your input.

NOTE: If you misspell your email address, we have no way to get back to you. If you don't get an answer within a week, please resubmit your question (and check that email address).

Please specify the type of question you have:
I have a Question or Comment about this web site
I have a Question about the NCC Museum
I would like help with Pattern Identification
I have a Question about the Annual Convention
I have a Question about the Annual Auction
I have a Question about something I purchased from NCC
I have a Question or Comment about the Crystal Ball newsletter
I have a General Question about Cambridge

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    Your Name:  

    Your Email:  
      (Optional) Attach Picture:

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