2009 Auction - Photographs of Selected Groups of Items
This page consists of thumbnail images of various groups of items that were featured in this year's All-Cambridge auction. Note that not all of the items in the auction were photographed.
For your convenience, here is a link to the results of the 2009 Auction in PDF® format, which can be easily printed for your reference. Click on any of the pictures below to see an enlarged version.
Amber Items
Amethyst Items
Animals and Stars
Small Items
Black and Blue
Blue, Green, Smoke
Blue Items
Crown Tuscan
Mardi Gras
Crown Tuscan Gold-encrusted
Crystal Etched
Dark Opaques
Flying Lady Bowls
Gold Encrusted
Light Emerald
Green Swans
Heatherbloom Items
Nude Stems
Pink Items
Rare & Unusual
Rose Point