by Mark A. Nye
Issue 317 - September 1999
For almost 20 years NCC has had access to the 1930 Cambridge catalog and its supplements. Twenty-three years ago, we were fortunate. in conjunction with Collector Books, to be able to reprint this catalog so all Cambridge collectors miqht have access to the information it contained. The one thing the calalog does not contain is specific information regarding color and, in numerous instances. decorations which include etchings, cuttings, etc. Such information was usually provided in separate price lists.
To my knowledge there has never been a report of a printed price list for any portion or this catalog being found. While Cambridge did use what they called Circular Letters to keep their sales force abreast of new products, changing prices, and perhaps prices for supplemental catalog pages, it is my feeling at least the original 1930 catalog would have had a printed price list. Hopefully one wiil turn up in the future. A few years ago a member did obtain a number of circular letters from 1932 (as well as 1929) and these do shed light on color and decoration available on a number of items that appear in the 1930 catalog and its supplements.
It was concluded a number of years ago that the catalog supplement with pages letter A-K were issued in late 1930. Among those pages was one featuring "Lustre Cut Prism Candlesticks." The term "lustrc cut" describes the prism, not the bobeche or candlestick. Circular Letter #150 issued sometime in 1932 provides color availability as well as which etchings and cuttings were being offered on the candlesticks, along with the type of prisms that could be had. In all instances, these candlesticks came with Crystal bobeches and prisms. While etched bobeches are known, in all probability the candlesticks as offered in Circular Letter 152 came with plain bobeches. The candlesticks as seen on the 1930 catalog page all have #1 prisms. The #2 prism is seen on the 1440/2 candelabrum, the illustration coming from the 1940 catalog. [Note: two catalog pages are located at the end of this article.]
The 1270 candlestick came only with the #1 prisms. It was offered in Crystal. Amber, Ebony, Gold Krystol, and Carmen. With the exception of Carmen, all could be had plain or etched Apple Blossom, Gloria, Diane, Lorna, or Portia. On Crystal blanks a number of Rock Crystal engravings were available, these being 541, 551, 560, 574, 611, 615. 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 629. 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, and 642.
Candlestick #1271 was offered in three colors: Crystal, Emerald, and Peach. {The latter two are what we now call Light Emerald and Peach-Blo). Like the 1271, it came only with #1 prisms. While not offered with any Rock Crystal engravings, the same etchings available on the 1270 were also to be had on the 1271.
Available in Crystal, Amber, Ebony. and Gold Krystol, the 1272 10-1/2 inch candlestick was to be had with the same group of etchings as the 1270 and 1271. However, it came with either #1 or # 2 prisms. The Rock Crystal engravings listed for 1270 were also available on Crystal 1272 candlesticks.
Differing in the colors in which it was being made in 1932 is the 1273 10-1/2 inch candlestick. In this instance Circular Letter 150 offered it in Crystal. Emerald, Peach, Forest Green with Crystal foot, and Royal Blue with Crystal foot. (One can only assume since there was no mention of a Crystal foot, the other colored sticks came with the foot the same color as the stick itself.) Again, according to the Circular Letter, the same group of etchings listed for 1270 was available on 1273 candlesticks in all of the mentioned colors. The 1273 came with either #1 or #2 prisms but was not listed as being available with any of the Rock Crystal engravings.
The last candlestick on this page, the 11 inch 1269 was not available decorated, but did come with either #1 or #2 prisms. At the time Circular Letter 150 was issued, the 1269 was offered in seven colors: Crystal. Amber with Crystal foot, Royal Blue with Crystal foot, Forest Green with Crystal foot, Carmen with Crystal foot, Gold Krystol, and Heatherbloom.
Not shown until the 1931 catalog supplement, the 1274 13-1/2 inch 2-light Lustre Cut Prism Candelabrum was then being made only in Crystal but with all of the previously listed etchings and engravings. It was to be had with either #1 or #2 prisms.
Shown on the same supplemental page as the 1274 was the 1268 2-light candalabrum. Sold only with #1 prisms, it came In Crystal, Amber, Emerald, Peach, Forest Green, and Gold Krystol. Prices were provided for plain and etched pieces in all of the colors. Offered on Crystal blanks only were the previous listed Rock Crystal engravings as well as Laurel Wreath.