Cambridge and the 1930's - Part I
by Mark Nye
Issue 297 - January 1998
The material in this months article was taken from the pages of China, Glass & Lamps and Crockery & Glass Journal and first appeared in this format in the 1995 Convention Souvenir booklet. This will be the first of several articles dealing with the 1930s. Thc illustrations that accompany this series come from several sources: prints taken from original etching plates, 1930-34 Cambridge Catalog as reprinted by NCC. Inc., patent applications and Cambridge advertising materials. The interested reader will, in most cases, find illustrations of the subject material in the 1930-34 catalog reprint.
JANUARY 1930 - Cocktail sets included among latest Cambridge numbers. Naturally, one would expect to find some new and interesting items when calling at the sales rooms of the Cambridge Glass Co., 184 Fifth Avenue, and in this respect he will not be disappointed. This firm is showing some cocktail sets which are the last word in articles of this kind. Two of those are illustrated, one of which is square with footed tumbler to match. This carries an etching of a Grecian dancing girl in varied poses, on all four sides. It is known as No. 1020-1021. The other shaker is the Moderne, with a new double lipped top. This is decagon in shape, as is the footed and matching tumbler, and has an all-over etched design of climbing rose which is certainly atractive. Where desired, trays may also be had, either plain or with an engraved pattern. These sets may be had in colors of emerald, peach, willow blue, and amber, and the square shape is also made in ebony. They are fitted with two types of tops, the double lipped one mentioned above, and the regular type. These are highly silver plated with a cork fitting. A feature of these tops is the fact that the cork does not show through the glass.
February 1930 - Of the newest and most appealing lines of special glassware to appear on the market for 1930 is the "Springtime" line being introduced by the Cambridge Glass Co. Flower bowls, console sets, vases, each are included in the Springtime offering which is striking with its embossed design in clear glass which is emphasized by a frosted background.
February 1930 - Among the new wares of the Cambridge Class Co. on display was a line of gold-edged bowls and vases decorated with paneled urn etchings - These pieces came in green, Peach-Blo, Willow Blue, Madeira and Crystal. There was also a new line of dinnerware, both square and six-sided, carried out in the different pastel shades, and also in a now color that resembles old gold. Bridge sets in the so popular "Ebony" glass, the stemware having black feet and crystal bowls, were being shown, too, and a distinct novelty was the radio lamp. This lamp has an ebcny base and bears a crystal figure through which a two-toned light radiates. Early American bowls were on display in the Cambridge showrooms, also in mystic blue (frosted willow blue), rose du Barry (frosted Peach-Blo) "Krystol" (frosted Crystal), cinnamon (frosted Amber), jade (frosted green) and ebony. Etched crystal vases with ebony feet. some carrying gold edges, were being shown; and there were also attractive vases in ebony, green and crystal ornamented with clear glass decorations.
February 1930 - Artistic swans-colorful-useful-decorative- salable. A swan for every purpose ... Made in various sizes and useful in many ways not only for formal affairs but for every day. Can be had in all the Cambridge colors, including Peach, Emerald, Crystal and Ebony. May be retailed from 25 cents to $5.00 the piece.
April 1930 - Most brides would like this. For both formal and informal affairs, the combination of black and crystal glass has been featured by many stores and departments. How the combination lends itself to most attractive settings is well shown by the illustration (in the original trade magazine). The ware shown is by the Cambridge Glass Co.
September 1930 - APPLE BLOSSOM is setting the vogue. Visualize this lovely table setting. Consider the interest it will arouse among your customers and sales it will bring. Apple Blossom. adaptable to dozens of beautiful table combinations, gives you in one consistent theme, quality stemware, dinnerware, novelties and flat pieces in a selection of delicate and striking colorings in attractive design. There is peach, emerald, amber, crystal or willow-blue and our recent innovation, the new Gold Krystol. Call at our nearest showroom, where you will find complete samples awaiting you. Apple Blossom is not expensive, you will be agreeably surprised. Advertising mats supplied to assist your sales.
October 1930 - Gloria is the name which the Cambridge Class Co. has given to its newest decoration. As the illustration shows, the Gloria is a floral pattern of a most distinctive character. One unusual feature is the fact that the design begins at the bottom of the piece and extends upward, instead of starting at the top and working downward, as is more customary.
January 1931 - Among the many new things in CAMBRIDGE wares for 1931 is the beautiful etching which we have named "Windsor." (to the left) The etching art reaches a high place in this new pattern.
February 1931 - New colors for Cambridge. As its new colors in glassware, the Cambridge Glass Co. offered Carmen, a bright ruby and Burgundy, a deep amethyst. The popular Cleo etching has been placed on stemware and dinnerware in Gold Krystol. Two now etchings were offered on Cambridge dinnerware and stemware. These are Lorna (right), an Irish Lace effect, and the Brettone (below), a sharp Floral design.
A new shape in Crystal only is the "Victorian" in semi block optic effect. A cherub candle holder also could be turned into a flower holder by the addition of a crystal vase which fits into the candleholder proper. A new flower block has the figure of a heron.
April 1931 - Luster cut prism candlesticks now. Decidedly attractive and useful are these new Luster Cut prism Candlesticks. A locking device for which a patent application has been filed, holds the bobeche with the prisms firmly to the top of the stick proper. This is an exclusive fealure. These new candlesticks are made in four styles. They range in height from 6 1/2 inches to 11 inches. Made in Crystal, Gold Krystol, Carmen, Ebony, Amber, Emerald and peach all with Crystal bobeche and prisms. Can be had plain or with etchings or Rock Crystal cuttings on Crystal.