Cambridge the 1920s - Part III
by Mark Nye
Issue No. 295 - November 1997
"Featuring the many new items in plain, colored and decorated glassware shown by the Cambridge Glass Co., of Cambridge, O., in Room 728 at the Fort Pitt Hotel, is the 'Blue Willow' treatment carried out in several ways and many pieces. The 'Blue Willow,' an exact duplicate of the famous design of
that name first shown on china, is exceptionally well done in etching, filled in (with) blue (enamel) on crystal and with edges and lines in gold. It is one of the outstanding new decorations on glass in the past several years. Pieces shown include vases, bowls, as well as the necessary items in plates, teas and so on to make up a 27 piece luncheon set. The 'Blue Willow' decoration in etching also has been applied to fancy pieces on the Cambridge Ivory glass. In gold encrustations on clear amber and emerald glass, the 'Blue Willow' pattern forms the design of the encrustation. There is a wide border and one of the most exquisite pieces of encrustation work offered at the exhibit.
"In the new colored glass known as 'Peachblo,' the Cambridge factory has two shapes in reproduction of old English glass and have named them the 'Wetherford' and the 'Stratford.'' The former has wide panels and straight lines while the latter is more intricate in design. The 'Wetherford' shape is shown in emerald, amber and amethyst in clear colored glass. Both the new patterns in the new 'Peachblo' glass also are shown with gold treatments including bands and encrustations.
"Among other new Cambridge offerings are the girl figures in crystal and colored which can be used for lamp bases as well as flower holders. The figure of the girl is exceptionally well done. In amber stemware there is a new design in plate etching. (Unfortunately, the etching was not identified.) Another new offering in stemware is the No. 3085 line which has a horizontal ring optic at the bottom and a narrow perpendicular optic at the top. Crackled colored glass in a variety of pieces. Salt and pepper shakers in white gold decorations on crystal and color glass. Plain and gold treated cologne bottles and vanity sets in great numbers. The 'Temple Jar' console set in which a covered jar replaces the open bowl in the three piece set. Gold encrustations on refreshment sets, ice tea sets and cocktail shaker sets."
China, Glass & Lamps January 18,1926
"Among the host of lovely new items which the Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, O., are featuring at their New York showroom is an open stock table service, which is one of their latest surprises offered to the trade. This is most complete and includes every imaginable item. Oval plates in six different sizes' open and covered dishes, large and after dinner coffees, sugar and cream, bullions and cream soups are only a few of the pieces shown. The decorative treatments these are offered in are a revelation. A selection of five gold encrustations, and two etchings, as well as the plain glass are
exhibited on colors of amber, green and peach. The decorative schemes employed are reproductions of the Dresden Rose, border encrustations and fanciful etchings." (The open stock table service referred to in this paragraph is what later became known as the Round Line.)
Crockery & Glass Journal March 31,1927
"Newest Addition to Cambridge Glass Dinner Service. Original items always command attention. Quite consistent with their policy of constantly adding something new to their already large and pleasing line, the Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, O., are now showing a beautiful celery and relish service (No. 3975 five-part celery and relish) at their New York salesroom. That without exception is one of the most attractive pieces they have produced in some time. From the accompanying illustration, some idea can be formed of how really pretty this number is. The factory in its production has added one more piece that fits splendidly with the Cambridge open stock dinner service. The dish is offered in a choice of amber, emerald, and peach colors while in decorative treatments there is a selection of etchings and gold encrustations as well as plain. It is oblong in shape and carries four very attractive handles, one on each side which, while serving to further its charm, also makes it most easy to pass at the table. The service has four small relish compartments which are on either side of a large center celery compartment. There is one decoration on this item that is especially pleasing. This is a very charming encrustation in a scroll pattern while the edges of each compartment are finished with a gold line. This treatment shown on the amber color is splendid. (Once again the writer failed to identify this decoration by etching name and or number.) The article has been patented by the factory."
Crockery & Glass Journal May 12, 1927
"There is a stunning new patented decagon shape now being exhibited by the Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, O., at their New York display room, 184 Fifth Avenue. The keynote of the success of this progressive factory is originality and in this ten sided shape they are certainly offering something of unusual appeal. It is particularly adaptable to the bowls they are showing in a selection of either bell, cupped or rolled edges in colors of either emerald or peach. Each one embodies rare grace of line. It would be impossible to find a line of bowls that is more suitable for table centers than these. As an added charming touch they may be even further beautified by the use of either large or small figure flower centers, also a patented feature of the Cambridge line. It would need no great stretch of the imagination to picture how delightful these are when dressed with flowers. One very striking number is shown among these bowls combining a half roll and half flat edge. This particularly accentuates the decagon effect."
Crockery & Glass Journal February 9, 1928
"... In addition to the bowls in the decagon shape, there are also a myriad of other pieces to be seen. New ideas in cheese and crackers, mayonnaise sets, fruit comports, console sets, sugar and creams, and candy boxes are all splendidly exhibited in the well appointed sales rooms. A color selection of either emerald, peach or amber in an array of artistic decorative arrangements offers an exhibit to buyers that is worth investigation."
Crockery & Glass Journal March 1928
"Cambridge Introduces 1929 Line. Consistent with their policy in the production of original numbers, the Cambridge Glass Co.,
Cambridge, O., bid fair to open the 1929 season with an assemblage of new items and ideas that will surpass their efforts of previous years. A splendid illustration of this fact is presented in the footed fruit bowl shown which is featured in their well known Decagon shape. The decoration is brand new, and is an etching of more than unusual merit. A flower with a modernistic stem is used to excellent advantage and it is destined to meet with wide approval. (The etching described here is No. 731, identified from the illustration that accompanied the original article in CGJ.) This pattern is carried out in full stem and dinnerware line, all of which may be had in peach, amber, emerald and the new Cambridge Willow Blue. Many other charming pieces and decorations are also introduced for the new year. This is especially so in regard to their dinner service. Outstanding among these treatments is the Cleo etching which deserves a word of special mention. A full showing of all the new lines may be seen at the firm's New York salesroom, 184 Fifth Ave., shortly after the first of the year."
Crockery & Glass Journal January 1929
"Exceedingly favorable comment is heard on every side on the Cambridge Glass Co.'s new line for 1929 disclosed for the first time at the Pittsburgh Exhibit. We show at the right one of their striking stemware lines No. 3115 in their new color, Willow Blue. This is a modernistic conception of instant appeal. As usual, this factory was exceptionally strong in novelties showing an array of items for every imaginable purpose ..."
Crockery & Glass Journal February 1929
For illustrations of many of the other items referenced in this article, the reader is referred to the 1925-1929 Cambridge Glass Co. catalog as reprinted by the late Bill Smith and his wife, Phyllis. This reprint is available through NCC, Inc.
To be continued ...
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