A Piece of A. J. Bennett History
by Charles
Issue No. 279 - July 1996
While doing a genealogy search at the Guernsey County Courthouse a few weeks ago, I was searching for old passports and came across a Passport Application for Arthur J. Bennett, with his picture. I have extracted the information shown on the application.
United States of America, State of Ohio, County of Guernsey ss: I, Arthur J. Bennett, a Citizen of the United States, hereby apply to the
Department of State, at Washington, for a passport. I solemnly swear that I was born at London, England, on 1-18-1866, that I was married on Oct. 13, 1892; that I emigrated to the United States, on or about June 1886, that I resided continuously in the United States from 1886 to 1934, at Cambridge, Ohio; that I was naturalized as a citizen of the United States before the Common Pleas Court of Common Pleas at Cambridge, Ohio on Jan. 17, 1929, as shown by the Certificate of Naturalization presented herewith; that I am the IDENTICAL PERSON described in said certificate; that I am domiciled in the United States, my permanent residence being at 519 N. 7th St., in the city of Cambridge, State of Ohio. My father Benjamin Bennett, was born at London, England on 12-3-1829 is now deceased. ------- I am about to go abroad temporarily and intend to return to the United States within 3 months with the purpose of residing and performing the duties of citizenship therein. I desire a passport for use in visiting the countries hereinafter named for the following purposes: England, Business & Relatives. I request that my passport include my wife Martha C. Bennett, who was born at Lexington, Mass. on Oct. 20, 1867, and to whom I was married on Oct. 13, 1892. Her present address is 519 N. 7th St., Cambridge, Ohio, Guernsey Co.
Further, I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; So help me God.
Arthur J. Bennett
Sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1934.
Dwight M. Pulley
Clerk of the Common Pleas Court at
Cambridge, O.
Height: 5 feet, 8 1/2 inches. Age: 68 years.
Hair: Gray Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing marks or features: Mole on right leg
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: Jan. 18, 1866
Occupation: Glass Manufacturer
I intend to leave the United States from the port of New York sailing on board the Washington on Aug. 1, 1934.
I request that my passport be mailed to the following address:
Name: Arthur J. Bennett
No. and Street: 519 N. 7th St.
City and State: Cambridge, Ohio
I, the undersigned, solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the United States; that I reside at the address written below my signature hereto affixed; that I know the applicant who executed the affidavit herein before set forth to be a citizen of the United States; that the statements made in the applicant's affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief; further, I solemnly swear that I have known the applicant personally for 30 years.
Chas. D. Turnbaugh, Judge Courts
Cambridge, Ohio
Sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1934
Dwight M. Pulley
Clerk of the Common Pleas Court at
Cambridge, O.