Venus Table Set
by Sue Rankin
Issue No. 235 - November 1992
Every day in newspapers and magazines, on radio, TV and billboards, we are bombarded by advertising. Companies and their advertising people are constantly trying to find an angle, a hook, or some means of convincing us to part with our money.
The Cambridge Glass Company was no different, although perhaps
classier, than today's advertisers in their attempts to persuade the
consumer to buy their products. Thus, in January 1933 they issued
circular letter #44-1933. This circular letter details the components
of the Venus Table Set. The "Venus" name was specifically applied to
the 518 figure flower holder. It is also interesting that this set
incorporates items from several lines.
A thorough review of trade articles, advertising and Cambridge catalogs yields no other reference to this table set or the name "Venus". We can only speculate why Cambridge decided to use the "Venus" name in this circular letter. The original inspiration for this figure might have been the "Venus de Milo." Careful examination of both the figure and the picture of the "Venus de Milo" shows that the hairstyles are very similar. The shoulder positions are similar. The Cambridge lady is more modestly covered, but still has a drape which pools around the feet.
Perhaps, due to the similarity, Cambridge personnel coined the "Venus" name for ease of reference just as Cambridge collectors use the name "Draped Lady" today.
Royal Blue, Amethyst
Royal Blue, Amethyst
In Set
In Set
We thank Carl Beynon for providing a copy of the circular letter, Charles Upton for the inspiration and Dave Rankin for creating the catalog page to illustrate the items.