Cambridge Glass and November in the 1930s
by Mark A. Nye
Issue No. 211 - November 1990
This month I thought we would take a look at the types of ware, colors, etc., Cambridge, in the years 1930-1939, featured in trade publications during the month of November through annotated use of trade journal article and advertisement texts. In those years when nothing was available with a November date, material from October or December is used instead. Seasonal promotions were used, as were ideas crafted to induce future purchases of the featured items.
November and December issues of trade journals were also used by
Cambridge, and other glass manufacturers as well, to hint at or boldly
announce new lines for the coming year. Texts covering all three types
will be included and our article begins with November 1930, when apple
Blossom was being heavily featured in Cambridge advertising. As used
before, CGL stands for China, Glass and Lamps; and CGJ stands for
Crockery and Glass Journal.
11-30 "The Cambridge Glass Co.'s exquisite gold krystol, while it is indisputably the favorite, is followed closely by another color which seems to belong naturally to the fall season, and that is amber. These two hues, blending so well with the flowers most used as table decorations at this time of year are outstandingly popular in New York. Next in line, perhaps, comes the soft peach tint, with pale blue as a possible side-partner. And an increasing demand for crystal is becoming more and more noticeable with Cambridge, as with most of the glass companies." CGL (Note: Shown with this text was an illustration of the #3400/67 12" celery and relish service, etched Apple Blossom.)
11-30 "A Striking Combination. The gorgeous apple Blossom Etching on crystal with Ebony Stem and Foot Offers Merchandise of Extraordinary Appeal. Among the many CAMBRIDGE wares for table service and home decoration there is quality and innate attractiveness not reached by ordinary glassware. Made to a high standard with beauty and serviceability uppermost, Cambridge wares will satisfy your most particular customers. The Apple Blossom decoration is
available on complete dinner services in peach, emerald, crystal, amber, willow blue and Gold Krystol." CGL (Note: This was the text of an advertisement that featured #3130 stemware in Cyrstal/Ebony and an Ebony #3400 plate.)
11-31 "Snappy Ware to Pep Sales! The #3400 Ball shape Line offers most unique items for gifts at every season. New pieces are being added regularly to the line. They sell on sight. Shown are Jug and Tumbler, Decanter and Tumbler, Ivy Ball, Puff Box, Oil Set and Perfumes. Other pieces are Sugar and Cream and Oil Bottle. All in the saucy ball shape. A variety of colors and a choice of etchings give wide selection for your particular clientele. Etchings shown include the new Diane, the Gloria and the Lorna. The Ball shape is protected under Design Patent No. 84,482 issued June 23, 1931." CGL (Note: This text was part of a full page advertisement whose illustration depicted the items listed.)
11-31 "The Cambridge Glass Co..... have a dandy line of smokers articles and kindred liquor items. One of these is pictured above. This particular pattern is their #D987, and in addition to this treatment it is also shown in five other decorative ideas." CGL
11-32 "SWEET POTATO VASES. The indoor days have arrived and many housewives seek green foliage. To meet this demand, either as an addition to or as a substitute for ivy, the Cambridge Glass Co. .... suggest the sweet potato vine and has brought out an interesting vase which it calls the sweet potato vase. The new vase is so shaped as to hold the sweet potato in just the proper way and with the vase there is obtainable a wrought iron holder. Rich, green foliage comes from the sweet potato in three weeks. An actual example of a sweet potato vine in one of these vases ought to sell many of them in the retail stores. The vases are made in forest green, ruby, amethyst and royal blue.' CGL (Note: In the original, the last two words read "ruby glass," obviously an error on someone's part.)
10-33 "One of the new lines to be brought out this Fall by the Cambridge Glass Co. is their Everglades. The few pieces of this which we illustrate will give an idea of its attractiveness. In addition to the items pictured this line also consists of three or four types of candlesticks, high, low, and double candelabra, various bowls of different types and shapes and four different types of vases. It is to be had in colors of crystal, Eleanor blue, Forest green, and amber with a few pieces made in Carmen (ruby)." CGL (Note: Since the November feature was assorted wine glasses, plain and virtually impossible to distinguish from other manufacturer's, I elected to substitute the pattern featured in October.)
11-34 "Rose Point Design .... Now on Glassware" were the words that began the announcement of the Cambridge etching Rose Point published in the November 1934 issue of "China, Glass and Lamps." This announcement has been reprinted several times and will not be repeated here. Deliveries of Rose Point etched wares were to begin by December 15, for selling in January.
10-34 "DISTINCTIVE WARES FOR PROFIT. For the Holiday Gift Season, the CAMBRIDGE line includes hundreds of attractive items. Make your selection early. Write us today about the wares shown and other outstanding designs in hand-made quality table and decorative glassware. The Narcissus Bulb Vase.....sells readily and profitably because it is attractive. Designed to hold four bulbs, it is useful for other bulbs, such a Hyacinth and Lilly-of-the-Valley, as well as Narcissus. Done in the wide selection of masterful CAMBRIDGE colors. Quite appealing is the Floating Rose Bowl, for use as a centerpiece or on the occasional table. Beautifully blown, it has a design which increases the beauty of the rose floating on the water as illustrated. The bowls may also be used as vases. The Nautilus design is an outstanding creation. Wine sets are especially attractive because of the striking decanter and handsome glasses. Done in Crystal, Amber, Royal Blue, Forest Green, Amethyst and Carmen and combinations of crystal and color. Protected by Design Patents 84482 and 89828." CGL (Note: The Narcissus Bulb Vase is the #1431 bulb vase, and the floating rose bowl is one of five in the $1409 through #1413 series.)
11-35 "Modern Stateliness in Fine Glassware." CGL (Advertisement shown above, right.)
11-36 (Note: While I have nothing form November 1936 trade journals, the October issue of CGL featured Rose
Point on Carmen #3500 or Gadroon Stemware and stated "This is the very newest thing that Cambridge has done.")
11-37 "Cambridge says to millions. Gifts of Glassware. TABLE ARCHITECTURE AND STATUESQUE. Ideal for Gift Promotion. Cambridge is turning the power of its national advertising campaign on the tremendous seasonal gift market .... telling 4,000,000 leading families that glassware makes an ideal gift -- especially Cambridge Handmade Crystal. Appealing to the entire market with Statuesque and Table Architecture. Cambridge creates for your profit and volume a tremendous demand you cannot afford to overlook. Plan now to display and feature Cambridge. Take advantage of Cambridge prestige and salability to promote a greater holiday business in your entire glassware department." CGL
11-37 "Patent infringement Warning. Water jugs similar to that illustrated (Note: 80 oz. Ball shaped jug) have recently been imported and are now being marketed in the United States. The trade and public are hereby warned that this or any similar design of jug is our exclusive property and is fully patented. Any party selling or offering this jug for sale without a license from us is an infringer of the patent and is liable for damages. Infringers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." CGL
10-38 "Tuned to the demand -- Timed for early gift buyers -- 'ENCRUSTED with 22 KARAT GOLD. Laurel Decoration in Pristine Crystal. Because it achieves special distinction without extravagance, Cambridge Gold Encrusted Crystal is an ideal gift choice. The Cambridge process (developed in America) actually fuses pure gold deep into the crystal at great heat, creating a decoration of satin richness, as permanent as it is beautiful and surprisingly moderate in cost......' right in time with the increasing demand for gold encrusted glassware is this Cambridge advertisement bearing its gift-time message to nearly 4-and-a half million homes. Timed just right -- in December national magazines, reaching your customers in early November well in advance of the big gift-buying season. Features a profitable all-year item -- the perfect answer, not only for Christmas but for golden anniversaries and other gift occasions! Check your stock and have plenty of Cambridge Gold Encrusted Crystal on hand for your holiday display." CGL (Note; Embodied within this trade journal advertisement was a copy of the home magazine advertisement and it is indicated by the single quotation marks. Once again nothing from November was available, hence the use of this material from October issue.)
11-39 "CAMBRIDGE GLASS CONFERENCE SEES BETTER SALES IN 1940. During the week of Dec. 11, the entire sales organization of the Cambridge Glass Co. gathered at Cambridge, Ohio factory to go over the sales, merchandising and advertising program for 1940. Inspection also was had of the many new items which will be put out by Cambridge. Various members of the sales organization were reported to have predicted a very healthy increase in sales of Cambridge glassware during 1940. New lines will be ready on Jan. 2 and the sales representatives will be busy on their territories or at the company's display rooms in New York, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Denver." CGL