Cambridge - The First Years
by Mark A. Nye
Issue No. 204 - April 1990
Continuing where we left off last month, this article deals with the wares of the new Cambridge Glass Company, its advertising and travels of Mr. Bennett, as reported in the Crockery & Glass Journal.
The very first Cambridge advertisement to appear in the Crockery & Glass Journal was in the September 25, 1902 edition, and its text read:
09/25/02 "A. J. Bennett, President of the Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, Ohio, Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Tableware and Specialties. We also operate the Canton Glass Works and make the full line of Druggists' Glassware, Fish Globes, Cake Covers, etc. Catalogs and Price Lists mailed on application. Special attention to the making and working of Private Moulds. Pressed Vault, Sidewalk and Skylight Glass. New York Agency - Thos. G. Edge, 66 West Broadway. Resident agents in all the large cities. Traveling salesmen in every State. Write us and we will have our salesman call upon you."
This advertisement appeared in the next five consecutive issues, when it was replaced by another ad that ran for the next five issues.
10/16/02 "Arthur J. Bennett, president of the Cambridge Glass Co. of Cambridge, O., was in the city (Philadelphia) last week on a business trip."
10/30/02 "Thos. G. Edge is exhibiting a splendid line of pressed bar goods from the Cambridge Glass Co. Lots of new features in fish globes, cake covers and druggists' sundries are also being displayed. Tastefully decorated opal molasses cans, boasting many improved features over their predecessors, are another of the lines deserving consideration. The engraved gold decoration on these cans is particularly neat and attractive."
10/30/02 "Arthur J. Bennett of the Cambridge Glass Co. was registered at the Hotel Henry (Pittsburgh) Wednesday of the past week."
11/13/02 "The Cambridge Glass Co. is one of the model plants of the country. It is immense in size, covering many acres, and the buildings are lofty, giving plenty of light and air. Arthur J. Bennett, the president, has found some things to change in the original plans and has developed ideas that are innovations in glass making, but which have already proved their usefulness and practicability.
There are two furnaces with all new and improved machinery and accessories, ample workshops, mould rooms, packing rooms, and a very pretty office. A system has been established all through the factory that insures the greatest efficiency of production, and this is particularly noticeable in the selecting room, where the tables are kept clear. Neatness and order prevail everywhere. There is no litter or junk about the premises, and the cellar is as clean as the workrooms. Most important of all is the ware. It is the intention of the management to make everything that can be made in glass, and every little while a new line is added. The quality is the finest. When the first shipment was made it was remarked that for the initial output of a new factory the quality was remarkable. Now that things are in working order even this has been improved, and the glass is as good as anything that is made. Business is excellent and has been from the start, and Mr. Bennett is to be congratulated on his success as a glass manufacturer."
12/11/02 "The Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, O., Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware of every description. Special reasons why you should be interested in us: This factory produced the highest class of glassware. We make prompt shipment and give our trade every consideration and attention. The variety is immense and the capacity equal to the demand. Our new catalog of regular table glassware and druggists' specialties will be ready in January. Make your application and we will put your name on the mailing list, and will also keep you posted on new additions to our line from time to time."
01/01/03 "The Cambridge Glass Co. will not be represented at the exhibition as they cater largely to the retail trade. Their business has been good since they started in the early summer, orders consuming the full production of two fourteen pot furnaces. They have a model new plant and conditions are favorable for a busy year during 1903."
02/19/03 "A. J. Bennett president, Cambridge Glass Co. was in New York this week."
04/11/03 "The National Glass Co. have set aside about $750,000 to put gas producers in their leading plants. They have just closed a contract for producers in their large new Cambridge (O.) plant."
08/06/03 "The Cambridge Glass factory resumed last Monday, and the prospects are it will continue to run right through the fire with plenty of business. It is one of the largest plants to be found anywhere along the Ohio river."
Beginning with the January 21, 1904 issue of Crockery and Glass Journal and appearing in five consecutive issues, was an advertisement for the Radium or #2626 pattern, stating it was just out. Also in the ad appeared the Nearcut trademark written as "Near-Cut." The ad also listed showrooms in some 12 cities, from New York City to Seattle, Washington.
02/18/04 "While scarcely as valuable intrinsically as its mineral namesake, the 'Radium' tableware discovery of the Cambridge Glass Co., samples of which are shown by Thos. G. Edge promises to imitate the former somewhat in popularity. At any rate, it is satisfying the trade very well, the accomplishment aimed at by its progenitors. The 'Radium' pattern is startlingly similar to cut glass in sharpness, clearness and brilliancy of lustre. Besides, the ware possesses a gracefulness of shape that alone would attract the attention of the most fastidious buyer."
06/23/04 "The Cambridge, O., Glass Co. have changed one of their furnaces to producer gas and propose to inaugurate the same change in the second one."
07/07/04 " . . . Roy Boyd has resigned his position as auditor with this company (Imperial Glass Co.) and accepted the secretaryship of the Cambridge (O.) Glass Co."
08/18/04 "The Cambridge (O.) Glass Co. did not get repairs completed till the past week. They are starting in full this week."
09/01/04 "A. J. Bennett, president of the Cambridge Glass Co., was in New York several days last week."
11/03/04 "The Cambridge, (O.) Glass Co. have two furnaces operating. They are each of fourteen pots capacity and are built on the regenerative principle. A new electric power plant is under construction and expected to be ready in about a month. It will furnish power to small motors which will be placed in various parts of the plant where power is needed, and it is expected that there will be great economy in the cost of power furnished as a result. The gas engines will all be taken out and electricity used wherever possible."
A full page advertisement ran in the December 15, 1904 issue and its text read:
12/15/04 "Something Entirely New for 1905. Near Cut Glass. It's the Acme of Glassmaking. Jobbers and first-class retailers must have it. Samples will be ready January 1st, 1905. Made Exclusively By The Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, Ohio."
12/22/04 "Thos. G. Edge has received the new lines from the Cambridge Glass Co. The new patterns are very attractive in design, and there is a brilliancy and life to the glass which will be hard to beat."
Thus ended the first two and one-half years of production at the Cambridge Glass Co.