Circular Letter No. 188
Cambridge Glass Co.
Issue No. 186 - October 1988
EDITORS NOTE: The Cambridge Glass Co. used the Circular Letter format to announce many of the production changes and sales promotions that were introduced from time to time. These letters, which often were accompanied by catalog pages, were sent to all of their regular agents and salesmen. For those who maintained catalogs of the Cambridge wares, the additional catalog pages were added as supplements and the letters could also be used to denote the discontinuance of certain items, colors, etc. A letter such as this would also have been used to introduce the "De-luxe Crystal Celestial (600)" shown In the September 1988 Crystal Ball.
August 26, 1939
We have developed a new quality of glass which will be known as Potash glass. This is a fine grade of white glass with a slight metallic ring to it.
We are making this glass in a variety of heavy weight blanks for deep mitred cuttings. Some of this type of glass was formerly imported from Czecho but this has now all been shut off so you will find a good field for American made glass of this quality and this type of cutting.
Our prices, while slightly higher, are so very near the Czecho prices that it makes the proposition especially attractive due to the fact the glass is all produced in this country and there is no waiting for deliveries such as on European glass.
We displayed this glass at our Chicago Show, as well as at our Philadelphia Show, and at both places it received a most favorable response in the way of orders.
The complete line consists of 27 pieces. We have had it photographed and are sending you by separate mail, a set of these photographs. You will notice that in the 27 pieces, there is a good collection of vases, bowls, comports, relishes and candy boxes, which are the principal items for a line of this type.
Upon careful inspection of the photographs you will find there are four différent types of Cuttings, assorted in these 27 pieces. The photograph shows just exactly the way each piece will be cut and shipped. Please bear in mind this is not a Rock Crystal pattern such as our other lines where stemware is made to match up with the flatware pieces. On the other hand, this is strictly a proposition of individual items that are especially attractive for gift purposes.
In other words, the merchant can set up these 27 pieces on a table in his store and make a most attractive display. From these 27 pieces most any customer will be able to select a gift or a piece for their own use, as you will see from the photographs there is a very sttractive selection of pieces, as well as a variety of attractive cuttings, so that something in the display is bound to attract the eye of every purchaser.
We have made these 27 pieces up into three different propositions or collections. The first coiiection is the 27 piece collection shown by the five pages of photographs. This is the manner in which you always want to try to sell this proposition. Try to get the customer to buy the 27 pieces at a net price of $116.00.
Failing in this, then try the 15 piece collection at a net price of $69.00. This is the one as shown by the three-page photograph.
There may be some customers for whom this is a little too large, so we have made another collection of 12 pieces which can be sold at a net price of $47.00 and this is shown on the two-psge photograph.
Of course, you will have some trade that is too small to buy even a 12 piece collection. In this instance selections may be made from any of the items at the net prices shown on the list.
Those prices are all Net, as we feel on a proposition of this kind, it wouid he better to make net prices rather than list. In buying any of the three assortment of Collections, the customer will save about 5% as in figuring the assortments, we are making about a S% better price than where the items are purchased as separate pieces.
Today, we are sending you a couple of sample pieces with the photographs so that you may immediately start to selling this line.
If there is any further information required please advise us immediately.
Yours truly,
W.C. McCartney
Per collection
or $4.75 per piece
Per Collection
or $3.95 per Piece
Per Collection