Baskets - Part III
by Mark A. Nye
Issue No. 173 - September 1987
Apparently glass baskets were not a popular item in the late 1920s
and early 1930s, as not a single basket is shown in the 1930 Cambridge
It was not until the 1932 supplement was issued that one
finally appeared and then it was a basket first made some years before
the #119 7" Basket (at left).
In this appearance it is shown etched Portia and at the same time may also have been available etched Diane.
In the same 1932 catalog supplement the #119 described as "#119 7" Basket (12" high)" appears on a page headed "Cambridge" Two Tone "Quick Sellers" where it is illustrated in a dark color, possibly royal blue, forest green or carmen, with a crystal handle.
The #119 basket also appears n the 1934 Catalog supplement, this time in crown tuscan with D/1001 (etched Portia) gold encrusted. This basket is also known in crown tuscan without any type of decoration.
The 1933 supplement saw the introduction of the #3500 or Gadroon
line and its two squat style baskets; the #3500/51 5" (below, left) and
the #3500/52 (at right) 6" handled baskets.
During the second half of the 1930s, the #3500/51 and #3500/52
baskets were produced only in crystal and were sold plain or etched
Valencia, Minerva, Elaine, Rose Point, Diane and Portia. In 1939, these
two baskets were also being offered with D/1041 (gold encrusted
Elaine). In addition #3500/51 was available with D/1001 (gold encrusted
Portia) and D/1012 (gold encrusted Diane).
In 1940 the #119 was being offered in crystal, amber, royal blue, forest green, amethyst and carmen. No doubt this basket was also produced in the same colors during the preceding years. During the mid-to-late 1930s, the #119 basket was available etched Diane, Portia, Valencia, Elaine, Minerva, Rose Point and Wildflower.
Our next group of baskets dates back to 1902 or 1903. The 1903
Cambridge catalog contained an illustration of what then was simply
designated "Basket" on a page of Opal Novelties. This little basket is
the one that became known as the #1506/1 4" basket (left). The 1906 Cambridge
catalog illustrates this basket with the caption as shown here.
("Packed 16 dozen in a barrel: Made in Crystal, Blue and Amber.")
Sometime after 1906, this basket was discontinued, as it does not
appear in catalogs issued in following years.
It is not known when the #1506 Novelty Baskets were reintroduced but
they were once again in production by the summer of 1938. As can be
seen in the picture at right showing 1506/1, 1506/2, 1506/3 &
1506/5, these were designed to resemble woven baskets. This group
consists of the 1506/1 4" basket (tall); #1506/2 5" basket (low);
#1506/3 4½" basket (medium); and the related item #1506/4 5"
plate. Produced into the early 1940s in mocha, pistachio, moonlight, la
rosa, and crystal, these items were also manufactured in crystal with a
satin finish and with the decoration D/Gold. (Editor's Note: the
#1506/1 4" basket has also been seen in crown tuscan.)
A third #3500 or Gadroon line basket was in production by early 1939
and probably dates earlier. It is listed as the #3500/79 3" Favor
basket (left) and in 1939 was being made in crystal, amber, royal blue, forest
green and amethyst. In the 1940 Cambridge catalog this little basket,
in addition to being listed as a basket, is also found under the
category "Vases" as is the #119 7" basket.
The #3500/51 and #3500/52 baskets were produced only in crystal during the 1940s and were available plain as well as etched Diane, Portia, Elaine and Rose Point.
During the 1940s the #119 basket was manufactured and sold plain or etched Diane, Portia, Rose Point, Elaine and Wildflower.
During the 1940s the market for glass baskets must have disappeared
or, after the war, was supplied by imports. Not a single basket of any
type appears in the 1949 Cambridge catalog or any of its supplemental
pages. It was not until the reopen period that a basket was once again
listed in a Cambridge catalog and price list.
The catalog that has become known as the 1956-58 Cambridge catalog shows two Georgian line baskets. The #319/B/2 (at left) handled basket oblong and the #319/B/3 (at right) handled crimped.
Both styles were produced in amber, amethyst, moonlight blue, mandarin gold, pink, pistachio, smoke, emerald (dark) green, and crystal. The #319/B/2, the oblong version, was also manufactured in carmen.
The 1958 and final price list carried only the #319/B/2 in crystal, amber, amethyst, carmen, emerald (dark) green, mandarin gold, moonlight blue, pink and smoke.
(Editor's note: The Sonata line pictures two additional baskets
in the 1956-58 catalog. The #1957/131 handled basket and the #1958/132
handled basket (illustrated at left and right). Neither of these baskets
are listed in either the 1956
or 1958 price list as being in production. It is entirely possible that
these baskets were produced in crystal but only for a very short period
of time in 1957.)
Thus we arrive at the end of the long line of Cambridge glass baskets. A line that saw its beginnings in the first year of production at the Morton Avenue plant and its end coming with the final shutdown of the furnaces.