Cambridge History from News Articles - Part XI

by Charles Upton
Issue No. 166 - February 1987

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Friday, April 1, 1910

The Cambridge Improvement Co., which was organized in 1900 to raise the bonus of S30,000 and provide a site for The Cambridge Glass Co., is to pay out $6 per share to stockholders as the result of action taken at a directors meeting last night. This is brought about by reducing the capital stock from an authorized amount of $15,000 to $10,000, and the per value of each share from $15 to $10. This releases $5 per share to stockholders. In addition a dividend of $1 per share was declared. This amount of $6 per share was ordered paid to all present stockholders, beginning Monday next, upon their presenting and surrendering their certificates to be exchanged for new ones showing the reduction. Certificates should be surrendered and checks called for at the office of Fred L. Rosemond, secretary.

This is the fourth reduction of stock and the second dividend paid, aggregating all told, $93.50 on each share which originally called for $100. So that the stockholders not only raised the big bonus above mentioned which secured one of the most valuable of local industries, but they eventually got their money back.

"Thirty Second Convention Has Hard Problems"
The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Wednesday, July 6, 1910

Toledo, 0., July 6 - The thirty-second annual convention of the American Flint Glass Workers Union opened here with 250 delegates present. Charles Green, chairman of the local committee on arrangements, called the meeting to order and introduced M.B. McCarthy, who welcomed the delegates in the absence of Mayor Whitlock.

James P. Egan, president of the Central labor union, followed with an address upon the needs of centralization in the labor movement. E.J. Barr of Toledo, president of the National Association of Glass Manufacturers, also spoke and complimented the delegates on the harmony existing between the employers and the employees. Besides the question of wage scale, one of the big problems before the convention is the co-operative glass factory for the manufacture of lamp chimneys. The convention will be in session two weeks.

"Operating Company Secures Absolute Control of Entire Plant and Grounds"
The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Friday, July 8, 1910

The entire plant of the Cambridge Glass Co., including the large buildings and the ground which they occupy is now owned by the Cambridge Glass Co., the deal for the buildings and land having been closed by President A.J. Bennett, Saturday July 2nd, when a deed transferring the interest of David McK. Lloyd and his wife, Amanda Lloyd, of Pittsburgh in the buildings and land to The Cambridge Glass Co., was filed in County Recorder Charles Stockdale's office, the consideration for the property transferred being given as $150,000.

The deal means a great deal more to the City of Cambridge than appears at the first glance. The history of the Cambridge Glass Co. since its start about nine years ago, is very interesting. President Bennett came to this city, when the company was started, and has been in control of the affairs since the first piece of glass ware was turned out. Later the property passed into the control of the National Glass Co., which company went out of existence about three years ago, the different properties in the trust being purchased by different companies. During all this time, Mr. Bennett remained president of the Cambridge Glass Co., under which name the local plant was operated.

Before the National Glass Co. had gone out of existence, the Cambridge Glass Co. had purchased the stock and thus the operating of the plant was not embarrassed, but the buildings and land on which they are located, were purchased by Mr. and Mrs. David McK. Lloyd, to whom the Cambridge Glass Co. has been paying a heavy rental. During all this time the officers of the Cambridge Glass Co. have been trying to purchase the buildings and land, realizing the importance of owning the property, because of the rapidly increasing value, but it was only recently that a successful deal could be made.

President Bennett, when seen Friday afternoon declined to make a statement as to whether or not any extensive additions would be erected in the near future. However from another source it was learned that the company is considering the matter of enlarging the plant. This is absolutely necessary if the trade continues to increase as it has in the past.

The factory during the recent years has been running to its full capacity. Some time ago in order to increase the output to meet the demands of the trade the company leased the Byesville plant, but even this does not meet the demand of the trade, and it will be but a matter of a short time it is thought before the local plant will have to be enlarged.

The ware being manufactured by the Cambridge and Byesville plants is known all over the world, many large orders being received from almost every foreign country.

During the annual summer vacation many improvements are being made. On the south side new ventilators are being put in, which will make it one of the most airy factories in the country to work in.

"Union Leaders to Meet Manufacturers at Atlantic City Tomorrow."
The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Monday, July 18, 1920

Toledo, 0. July 18 - The national officers, and members of the executive boards of the various departments of the American Flint Glass Workers Union left here for Atlantic City, where they will meet with the manufacturers of the glass industry and sign a new wage agreement.

President Rowe stated he is confident the workers will receive their increases without difficulty being encountered. The chimney workers in their report asked for a 10 per cent advance in wages.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
September 30, 1910

Boys, 16 years old and over. Good wages, steady work, and excellent chance to learn a trade. Apply at The Cambridge Glass Company.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
September 30, 1910

Byesville, Ohio September 30 - The Young People's Christian Endeavor Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Bates of Meek avenue. After the business hour the evening was spent in music and games and a very interesting debate was held. Question, "Resolved that the Women Should Not Wear Rats." The decision being rendered in favor of the affirmatives. There were about thirty-five present. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. All departed at a late hour reporting a most enjoyable evening.

(Editor's Note: Since we ran Out of articles concerning the Cambridge Glass Company from Charles this month, I couldn't resist using the above to fill the rest of the page.

I couldn't help but wonder how many of our readers would know what was meant when they discussed women wearing "Rats" in their hair, back in 1910. 1 wasn't around then, but my Mother was and I can remember her talking about wearing one.

For those who don't know, Webster's New World Dictionary describes a "Rat" as "a small pad formerly used in certain styles of women's coiffeurs to make the hair look thicker." Thought to be very stylish in those days!

Sorry about this little bit of "sidetracking," we'll be back on track with the articles about Cambridge Glass next month.
- - - Phyllis D. Smith)