Cambridge History from News Articles - Part II

by Charles Upton
Issue No. 155 - March 1986

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
October 30, 1900

A large and enthusiastic meeting held at the Courthouse last evening. Thirty more shares were subscribed making a total of $45,400 raised. Organization not effected. Another meeting this evening. Want $50,000. Outlook rather discouraging.

Another large and enthusiastic meeting of citizens interested in organizing the improvement committee for the purpose of securing the location of the National Glass factory and such other industries as are deemed desirable, was held in the courtroom last evening. Chairman Orme called the meeting to order and asked for a report of the solicitors. The report showed that 424 shares had been subscribed so far making a total of $42,400 pledged. Mr. Orme said he was opposed to organizing until at least $50,000 had been raised and that some with whom he had talked the matter over thought that $60,000 and others $75,000 should be subscribed. Mr. Hoyle said he understood at the start that $50,000 at least was to be raised before organizing and J. C. Beckett thought the matter should be postponed a day or two and that he was satisfied that each of the Gas Companies would take ten shares.

Judge J. W. Campbell was opposed to organizing until $75,000 had been raised and said he was disappointed in the lack of interest shown by many of the business men and others in the enterprise. He said the plant was not an experiment that there is a demand for its production and that only the most improved methods were used. He thought that not only enough stock should be taken to buy the land and pay the bonus but to build the necessary houses. "See what the tin mill has done for Cambridge" said he "I am astonished that business men who have interests in the city should only take a half of one share. If we organize now those who are pulling back would then say well now they have done it, let them go ahead with it. I think we should adjourn and I will see some men that I think will double their subscriptions. There must be something wrong in the matter, some of the citizens must have a fake idea of it. We can never secure this plant with halfhearted interest."

He said he had been assured that if the American Glass Co. consolidated their seven plants here as proposed that the American Tin Plate Co. would also consolidate some of their plants here and that he believed that now was the time when Cambridge must either go forward or backward and that if we secure the American Glass Plant the advertisement alone would be worth $30,000 to Cam- bridge. He mentioned a half column article he had read in one of the large city dailies which complimented the citizens of Cambridge as having succeeded in locating the consolidated plant of the American Glass Plant Co. in spite of forty other cities that were after it. Mr. Campbell also referred to the large number of property owners who would be greatly benefited if the plant could be secured.

John L. Locke followed with a few remarks mentioning the fact that the team drivers union and the carpenters union had each subscribed for shares but he thought that the members of the unions should not be satisfied with what the unions as a whole had done but that perhaps some of the members were able and should subscribe. He said that the laborers and mechanics would be the first to be benefited if the glass works were secured. The speaker thought that some of the subscriptions should be doubled and not a few multiplied by ten.

Judge Campbell made a few more remarks saying that if we lose the chance of locating this industry we would in his opinion lose the tin mill and that if we secure the glass works the future of Cambridge was assured. He said "Now is the crucial point in the history of our city." He spoke of our coal resources and said there is not a businessman nor a citizen who would not be benefited.

Rev. Dr. McFarland made a few remarks and took five more shares. Supt. Cronebaugh also spoke at some length in favor of securing this great industry. Major Morton said: "I believe its the best thing that ever come down the pike and I am going to take four more shares and if necessary I will take more." G. H. Bodine spoke of the bright future of Cambridge. C. L. Campbell was called on. He said "I never made a speech in my life but I can write my name for ten more shares." He did so. Morton Campbell also subscribed five more shares for his mother. The clerks union took one share.

J. C. Beckett refused to make a speech but like C. L. Campbell said he could write his name for five more shares. T. M. McFarland said that he thought he had done all he was able but if $75,000 was raised he would be one to subscribe part of the $25,000 and was willing to be one of a committee to get out and solicit subscriptions. Wm. Hoyle said he would do as McFarland had done. C. C. Cosgrove said "I am down for three shares now but will be one of five to take one more."

Some of the businessmen proposed to close their stores Wednesday and devote the time to canvassing for subscriptions. The meeting then adjourned until this evening at 7:30 o'clock when everyone who is interested in the future should be present. Now is the time to push Cambridge to the front. Everybody can and should help in the work. If you have any pride in the growth of your own city attend the meeting and subscribe for as much as you can afford. As Major Morton has said "Every little bit helps." Boom Cambridge. Don't let it die.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
October 31, 1900

Another large meeting of citizens interested in organizing the Cambridge Improvement Company and in the future of Cambridge was held in the courthouse last evening. The solicitors reported that fifteen more shares had been subscribed for making the total amount so far raised about $47,000. Judge E. W. Mathews made a few remarks and said he was surprised to learn that there were only about 75 names on the subscription list so far. He said those who think this is a sort of a donation are badly mistaken but that it was a paying investment and that all who would investigate the matter would come to the same conclusion. He spoke of different additions to the city which had yielded profits, especially the Lofland addition which a few years ago could be bought for almost nothing but was now worth considerable more and all this was caused by the location of the rolling mill and not only was this one piece of property increased but all others.

Mr. Beckett here introduced Mr. Brudewald who said he was present at the meeting of the Glass Makers Association. He said that then the locations of different plants of the concern were considered and that the company had decided to consolidate their plants at one point. He was surprised that the company had selected Cambridge but after considering the matter he said he thought it was the best because of the abundant supply of coal. He did not think the people of Cambridge knew what was being offered them or they would be more interested and spoke of the size of the plant, the number of employees and the amount it would pay out.

F. L. Rosemond spoke at some length on the benefits the cities in the gas belts had reaped because of having the glass business and mentioned Warren, 0hio, giving figures showing the increase in the value of property there. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the city council and a called meeting of that body be held this evening. Judge Mathews said that council might law- fully aid in the taking of stock in the Improvement Company and it was decided to ask Council to purchase part of the land for a city park the money to be turned over to the Improvement Company, and after passing and publishing an ordinance to this effect a vote of the people will take about fifteen days. E. W. Mathews, Fred L. Rosemond and Solicitor Collins were appointed as a committee to prepare an ordinance after which the committee adjourned until Thursday evening.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Thursday, November 1, 1900

Consolidation of factories at Cambridge is in the air. Seven glass factories, six more tin mills, with several others ready to make propositions, are now in sight. Council last night took a broad view of the matter, and concluded to let the people express their opinion on the question of making a great effort just now when factories are consolidating their plants at single points to get some of them for Cambridge. All of the great industries will devote much of their time during the coming year to consolidation of their plants. The gloom that the prospects of the removal of the Iron and Steel company and the tin mill cast over our community, the vision of empty houses and stores and offices has not yet been dispelled. But there is no reason why Cambridge with her coal and railroads should not secure some of these if we will work all together.

The almost incredible results which a few of our citizens have secured with the glass company, ought to be a lesson to us to what we can do if we try. If Cambridge would unite as one man, we could almost move mountains. Now is the accepted time. A year from now will be too late. Locations will then have been determined upon. This is our opportunity. Let everyone help by vote, talk and effort.

Look at our wonderful growth, doubled twice in population, and a tax duplicate increased from $800,000 to $2,500,000.

The policy we are urging is what has done it. Let us continue it until we have made a Canton, Dayton, Springfield or Columbus of our beautiful city. All we require is the united effort of our people.

It is already possible to secure this immense glass plant, the consolidation of six more tin mills, and sheet mills. Let us make them all certainties.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio
Monday, November 5, 1900

... it is sought to make the impression that the Cambridge Improvement Company is asking the town for a donation of $40,000, or ten thousand more than the bonus required to secure the glass plant.

On the contrary, the Improvement is organized among our most enterprising citizens to secure the location of manufactories here. The glass plant makes certain conditions, among which are a site of ten acres and a bonus of $30,000.

The Improvement Company says to the town, if you will furnish $20,000 of this, we will give the site of ten acres, and pay the other $10,000 and in addition, we will secure switches and sites for other manufactories. We will see to getting the roads and bridges, and complying with all the other conditions, and will still more, convey to you ground for a park, which this Improvement will make, with all you pay us, in addition to the general benefits to the town, after all this is done, we will try to get a concentration here of six more tin mills, five more sheet mills, and any other manufactory which we can secure, by giving sites, and any other aid possible. No responsible man, who isn't prejudiced, and doubt, that if the National Glass Co. after looking the country all over with a view to securing the best location for the concentration of its plants, regard being had especially to railroad facilities and cheap coal, will select Cambridge, out of forty competing cities, many of them offering three times the bonus that it will favorably affect the American Tin plate company, also looking for sites for concentration of its plants where it can get cheap coal.

The sheet mill demonstrates the value of our fuel, and actually was the influence which brought the tin mill, and so it will be in the future.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Monday, November 5, 1900

Another large meeting of citizens interested in the Improvement Company was held at the courthouse Saturday evening to hear the reports of the canvassers. The reports showed that the majority of citizens that have been seen so far are in favor of the action taken by council. Judge Campbell read a letter he had received from Will Taylor stating that they would do all they could do to help secure the glass works. Mrs. Taylor is also reported as being authorized that the estate would do its share in the work and it was decided not to organize the company until other persons who are expected to take shares, especially the two gas companies, are heard from, but it was decided to proceed with the adoption of rules and regulations for the government of the company when organized. These were reported by Messers Rosemond and Locke and after a few amendments, were adopted.

It is desired that all subscribers who have not as yet done so, pay ten percent, of their subscriptions to Treasurer C. C. Cosgrove who will give them a receipt entitling them to vote. The meeting then adjourned until Wednesday evening.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Thursday, November 8, 1900

The stockholders of the Cambridge Improvement Co. met at the courthouse last evening for the purpose of effecting an organization. There are 484 shares taken at this time, of $48,400 capital.

Twenty persons were placed in nomination for directors, and the following were elected: John C. Beckett, Judge J. W. Campbell, H. P. Woodworth, R. V. Orme, S. A. Craig, T. W. Scott, Dr. W. H. McFarland, Chas. L. Campbell, and Fred Rosemond. There were 907 votes cast and it required 104 to elect. Adjourned to meet this evening at 7:30 at the courthouse. The directors will meet at 7 o'clock. It is hoped that the company will now get the necessary contracts to insure what we are after.

The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio.
Thursday, November 8, 1900

To the Public: The board of directors of the Cambridge Improvement Co. beg leave to submit to the people the following statement: The National Class Co. one of the largest and wealthiest concerns in the United States, after considering over forty different locations has agreed to consolidate seven of its plants at Cambridge, requiring an expenditure of $300,000 and the employment of from 500 to 700 hands, our experts tell us it will require at least 650, building a plant of the best construction, of the most modern style, if we will aid them to the extent of $30,000 in money, donate a site of ten acres of land, secure them switches, roads, bridges, etc. which plant it will enlarge from time to time.

It further agrees to enter into bond, in the sum of $50,000 with security to our satisfaction, that the plant will be constructed as agreed upon, be ready for blast by July 1st, 1901, will be run continuously, and not be removed from Cambridge, and that it will be modern and up- to-date in every respect, the best that money can construct.

The company has an established business, and organized capacity in its management, with plenty of capital behind it.

It has been decided, that for the purpose of combining all the individual help everyone could contribute, to organize the Cambridge Improvement Company. Everyone has been invited and urged to become a stockholder, but it seemed that there would not be enough stock subscribed to secure the enterprise. Besides it was represented that while there are many who could not take stock they would be willing to contribute in the form of a small tax.

It was thereupon decided that if the town would aid to the extent of $20,000, the Improvement Company would donate $10,000, and also donate the site of ten acres, and secure the switches, bridges, roads and do all the other things necessary to secure the plant.

As this had to be submitted to a vote of the people, council decided to ask the people to vote on the sum of forty thousand dollars, not only for the purpose of securing the $20,000 for the glass plant, but in order to have a fund ready to meet any proposition made by the tin mill, sheet mill, or any other worthy industry. Of course, if the glass plant is not secured, no tax will be levied. And if it is secured only $20,000 will be levied for it.

This company further proposes to deed to the town land for a park, which will be worth all it will contribute when the development made by the glass plant is completed.

This company is organized, simply to enable the town and its citizens to do collectively what no one can do alone, and if anyone can show a better plan for securing this great benefit to the town, the company is ready to retire. Its stockholders will not only pay for their stock but the tax also.

It is the intention, as we understand, to issue bonds, which will run at least twenty years, at 4 per cent, so that all we will have to pay within that time is $300 a year, or about 25 cents, on the $1000 of taxable value. The tax on property valued at $250 to $1000 for taxation, which will include the large majority of modest homes, will run from 6 cents to 25 cents a year. This will literally not be felt, and it will enable us to secure an industry which will add to our population more people than we had when the C. & M. Railway was built.

Those who ought to know say this will be four times as big as the Byesville glass works, which has already required the building of one hundred and ten houses there, and that as many more are still needed. We estimate that these works will require the building of from five to eight hundred houses, will ad from 2500 to 3000 to our population, and will increase our wealth more than $1,000,000.

We ask everybody to support this plan, or devise a better one.
R. V. Orme, W. H. McFarland, J. C. Beckett, T. W. Scott, J. W. Campbell, H. P. Woodworth, C. L. Campbell, S. A. Craig and Fred L. Rosemond.