Museum: Grand Opening
by Peg Gotschall
Issue No. 112 - August 1982
On Friday, June 25th, 1982 at 3:30 P.M., the attention of a large gathering of people at Cambridge, Ohio was firmly fixed on a ribbon which would be cut to allow them to enter the beautiful new MUSEUM OF CAMBRIDGE GLASS.

Ribbon Cutting for new MUSEUM Photo by Ed Karas of the Daily Jeffersonian
Left to Right: Michelle Newton, Director Degenhart Paperweight & Glass Museum; Barbara Shaeffer, Editor/Publisher Glass Review Magazine; Bob Tracht, Executive Director Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce; Dale Hileman, President Chamber of Commerce; Willard Kolb, President National Cambridge Collectors; Ohio State Rep. Tom Johnson; Sam Henderson, Vice-President Chamber of Commerce; Guernsey County Commissioner Andrew Rocker; James Caldwell, Board President, Degenhart Museum; Louise Ream, Executive Director Heisey Collectors of America.
Your President, Willard Kolb, gave a brief speech of dedication and was then assisted in cutting the ribbon by Ohio State Representative Tom Johnson (R-95). They were surrounded by other representatives and invited guests including those from the Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce, the Visitors and Convention Bureau, the Guernsey County Commissioners, the Daily Jeffersonian, Degenhart Paperweight and Glass Museum, Glass Review Magazine, and the Heisey and Fostoria National Glass Collectors organizations.
Many Convention guests had arrived in time and were present, along with former Cambridge Glass employees and their families and other area residents. All were pleasantly surprised as they entered the newly renovated building which is carpeted and lined with glass display cases already holding over 1,800 pieces of glass. It is a joy to behold and a credit to the Cambridge Community, the memory and products of the Cambridge Glass Co., and to the founders and members of National Cambridge Coliectors, Inc. who helped in any way to make it possible.
Some of our members have given far beyond expectation of themselves, their time and their resources. I will not even attempt to name them lest someone should be overlooked or slighted. But they know who they are and that they have put their efforts toward a lasting and worthwhile goal. We all can be proud of it, but those who made the greater effort can within themselves experience the greater sense of accomplishment.

I personally, and in behalf of the Club membership, would like to express my appreciation to all who in any way made this MUSEUM possible, and to all who came to share in the celebration of it.