3011 Figure Stem Line - Smokers Items
by Janice
Hughes and Lynn Welker
Issue No. 98 - June 1981
Ashtray (3011) - The nude is 4 1/2" (middle size nude). The diameter of ashtray is 3". The height of the ashtray is 1". The overall height is 6 3/8".
Cigarette Box (3011) Short Stem - The nude is 4 1/2" (middle size nude). The cigarette box is 3 1/8" x 3 5/8". The height of the cigarette box is 2". The overall height is 7½".
Cigarette Box (3011) Tall Stem - The nude is 6" (largest size nude). The cigarette box is 3 1/8" x 3 5/8". The height of the cigarette box is 2". The overall height is 9".
Cigarette Holder (3011) - The nude is 4½" (middle size nude). The cigarette holder is 3 1/8" x 2 7/8". The height of the cigarette holder is 2 5/8". The overall height is 7½". The ash tray foot is 3 5/8" in diameter.
All of these are pictured in the NCC 1930-34 Catalog Reprint on page 34-2. The only identifying numbers listed are 3011.

Ash Tray

Cigarette Holder

Cigarette Box (short)

Cigarette Box (tall)
The ashtray is known in carmen, royal blue, amber, forest green, gold krystol, amethyst, crystal, crown tuscan and the later colors of moonlight blue, emerald green, mandarin gold, smoke, pink and pistachio.
The short stem cigarette box is known in carmen, royal blue, amber, forest green, gold krystol, amethyst, crystal and crown tuscan.
The ashtray and short stem cigarette box were also made in crown tuscan with ebony foot.
The tall stem cigarette box was made in carmen, royal blue, amber, forest green, gold krystol, amethyst, crystal and crown tuscan. All of these are not known at this time.
The cigarette holder is known in carmen, royal blue, and crystal. It was probably made in amber, forest green, gold krystol and amethyst. (Per letter to the Editor, Crystal Ball, September 1981, it is known in amber as well.)
The short stem cigarette box, tall stem cigarette box and the cigarette holder were dropped from the line in the later catalogs after 1950.
The short stem cigarette box and the ashtray are known in crystal with cutting; crown tuscan gold encrusted Diane, Portia and Rose Point; gold encrusted silk screen lace pattern; and carmen gold encrusted Portia.
The short stem cigarette box in crown tuscan is known decorated with black, turquoise and orange enamel line decoration. The ashtray may have been made to match but has not been seen. The crown tuscan items decorated may be found with the acid signature on the bottom.
The tall cigarette box and cigarette holder have not been seen decorated. Any of these crystal stem nude items may be found in the satin finish.
The cigarette holder and the tall stem cigarette box are the hardest to find, however, none of these are easy to find and all are popular with collectors.
None of these has been reproduced.