3011 Figure Stem Line - Wine, Cocktail & Claret
by Janice Hughes & Lynn Welker
Issue #94 - February 1981
Wine (3011/12) - The nude is 4" (smallest nude made). The top width of bowl is 2½". The overall height is 6½". It holds 2 oz. (the catalog states 3 oz.)
Cocktail (3011/9) - The nude is 4" (smallest nude made). The top width of bowl is 2¾". The bowl length is 2". The overall height is 6 3/8". It holds 3 oz.
Claret (3011/7) - The nude is 4¾" (second size nude). The top width of bowl is 2 7/8" to 3". The bowl length is 2 ½". The overall height is 7½" to 7 5/8". It holds 4½ oz.

The wine appears only in the earlier colors of crystal, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amber and amethyst. There is a possibility it may be found in heatherbloom and peach blo, although they have not been seen. The wine was dropped from the line in the later catalogs.
The Cocktail has a much wider bowl than the Wine. It is known in the early colors of crystal, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amber and amethyst, heatherbloom with optic, peach blo, topaz, crystal stem with ebony bowl and foot, and crown tuscan stem and foot with gold krystol bowl. It was also made with crown tuscan stem with bowls of carmen, royal blue, forest green, amber with optic and amethyst. These were made in the late 30's and early 40's and ARE EXTREMELY RARE.
The cocktails are also known in the later colors of pistachio, mandarin gold, moonlight blue, mocha, tahoe blue, emerald green, Cambridge pink, smoke, crown tuscan stem and foot with mandarin gold bowl, ebony stem with crystal bowl and ebony foot and ebony stem with crystal bowl and foot. The Cocktail in some of the later colors was made with a crackle bowl.
The Claret is known in the earlier colors of crystal, crystal with optic, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amber, amethyst and heatherbloom. The Claret was dropped from the line in the late 30's.
These bowl shapes have been seen with various decorations such as Rockwell Sterling trims, Chintz, Vichy, Gloria (see page 31-23 in the NCC 1930-34 Catalog Reprint), Apple Blossom and Rose Point etchings, and Rock Crystal cuttings. Other decorations are possible.
The Cocktail has been reproduced by Imperial Glass Corp with an ebony or amber stem with crystal bowl and foot. The Imperial Cocktails are shorter as they have a smaller bowl. The quality and detail of the ebony stem is not as good as the Cambridge. The amber is a pure reproduction as Cambridge NEVER made a Nude stem in this color.
The Wine is the hardest of the three to find; however, the Cocktail is the most popular to collect because of the variety of colors.