3011 Figure Stem Line - Cordial & Brandy
Janice Hughes
Issue #93 - January 1981
How many times have you read an ad, made a phone call, (usually long distance), ordered a nude claret or brandy and sure enough, when it came, it was a cocktail or a cordial? Well, I have, and according to the mail we receive so have some of you. So I am going to attempt to write a series of articles (with the assistance of Lynn Welker) on this subject and trust it will help the advertisers as well as the buyers.
I am going to start with the smallest - the Cordial and Brandy.
Cordial - The nude is 4" (smallest nude made). The ROUND bowl is 1½" tall and 1 5/8" across the top. The overall height is 5¾" to 6".
Brandy - The nude is 4" (smallest nude made). The SLIM bowl is 1¾" tall and 1 5/8" across the top. The overall height is slightly over 6"
Both of these are pictured in the NCC 1930-34 Catalog Reprint on page 34-2 and are listed as #3011/14 (Cordial) and #3011/13 (Brandy).
When the true cordial (#3011/14) was dropped from the line in the late 1940s, the true brandy (#3011/13) became the cordial and is pictured in the NCC 1949-53 Catalog Reprint and the NCC 1956-58 Catalog Reprint as a cordial. However, so they are not confusing, I maintain they should remain what they were known as originally.
The true cordial is known in crystal, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amber and amethyst. It is possible this may be found in heatherbloom, but it has never been seen.
The true brand is known in crystal, crystal with optic bowl, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amber, amethyst, peach blo, heatherbloom with optic bowl. It is also known in the later colors of pistachio, mandarin gold, moonlight blue, mocha, tahoe blue, emerald green and Cambridge pink (slightly paler than peach blo.)
Any of these may be found with frosted stems, however, they are not known with ebony or crown tuscan stems.
The true cordial is much harder to find than the brandy. The later colors are harder to find in the brandy than are the earlier colors because of a shorter production span. At this time we know of no decorated brandies or cordials.
These have NOT been reproduced.