3011 Figure Stem Line: Candlesticks and Flower Center
by Janice Hughes
& Lynn Welker
Issue No. 102 - October 1981

3011 Candlestick
Type 1 & 2

3011 Candlestick
with Bobeches

3011 Flower or Fruit Center
(Flying Lady Bowl)
1st style (petals in) -
The nude is 6" (largest size).
The top width is 2".
The top length is 2 1/8".
The overall height is 8½".
2nd style (petals out) - The nude is 6" (largest size). The top width is 2". The top length is 2¼". The overall height is 8¾" - 9".
3rd style (bobeche locking top) - The nude is 6" (largest size). The top width is 2". The top length is 2½". The overall height is 9".
Flower or Fruit Center
(flying lady bowl) 3011/40 -
The top width varies from 7¼ to 7¾" at the widest point.
The length from back of the shell to the lady's chin varies from 12" to
The overall height is 9" at the front and 4½" at the back.
The candlesticks are pictured in the NCC 1930-34 Catalog Reprint on page 34-2. There are no identifying numbers. The flower or fruit center is pictured in the Welker Reprint I on page 44.
There are two styles of candlesticks without the bobeche lock. One style has a petal effect around the top edge which we are calling "petals out." The second style has inverted places where the other has petals. We are calling this "petals in." Some of these will have the top polished flat instead of the petal effect. This was done at the factory. The third style has an addition to the candle cup that holds the bobeche. There are small nubs on top of the candle cup edge which the bobeche fits over.
The candlestick with the "petals in" was made in crown tuscan. The other styles were made in crown tuscan, windsor blue, crystal, carmen, royal blue, gold krystol, forest green, amethyst, amber and pearl mist (crystal frosted).
The candlesticks have been seen in crystal with various cuttings from the 1930's; two of these are in the 1930-34 Catalog Reprint on page 32-22.
The crown tuscan candlesticks are known with various gold encrusted etchings such as Diane, Candlelight, Rosepoint, Portia and Chintz. Also, with Charleton decorations.
The flower or fruit center came in the same colors as the candlesticks. Also, crown tuscan with Charleton enamel floral decorations.
None of these have been reproduced.