New "Cambridge" Glass?
by Peg Gotschall
Issue No. 101 - September 1981
EDITOR'S NOTE: In the June, 1981 issue of the Crystal Bail it was
reported by members of the California Cambridge Collectors Study Group
#5 that new "Cambridge" glass was being sold in the department stores
of their area. The glass was marked with a sticker label and advertised
through a magazine. Phyllis Smith, then Crystal
Ball editor, invited other members having information about this glass
to please share it with us.
We did have a reply from Florence Lipper that it was also being advertised in New York area department stores. She sent us a sticker which we are printing for all to see. She reports that the glass does not in any way resemble that of the Cambridge Glass Co. The glass is apparently made or sold, by the Super Glass Co. which now owns the old Cambridge Glass Co. buildings in Cambridge, Ohio.
Thank you very much, Florence, for sharing this information with our membership.
Webmaster's Note: This is the first time the Super Glass Company was mentioned in the Crystal Ball. In the July 2002 issue, Bud Walker wrote a lengthy article on this Company, finally unveiling the mystery surrounding these "Cambridge Glass" labels.
Below is a scan of a flyer (the original was in color) sent to the Crystal Ball in 1981 by a member living in N.Y.