Little Things
by Doris Isaacs
Issue #91 - November 1980
When it comes to collecting creamers and sugars, we think the little individual sets make nice additions to any collection. We would like to share three such sets with you this month.

This individual set shown in Photo #1, is in the #3300 line. This
set is in pink and is marked with the .
Photo #2 shows the blown Pristine #250 individual set in crystal. The creamer has an applied handle and the flat bottoms of both pieces are beautifully polished. This set came from a worker's home and is not an easy set to find.
The individual Martha Washington set in Photo #3, is shown in milk glass. As you can see, the sugar has the original label still intact.
Since this is the month when we all turn our thoughts to "turkey", may I suggest (especially to our newer members) that you study the articles that have appeared in the CRYSTAL BALL concerning the Cambridge Turkey before making a purchase. Articles have appeared in CRYSTAL BALL back issues #10, #38, #44, #64 and #79 telling you how to distinguish the Cambridge Turkey from all the others!
Best Wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving!