Collecting Whiskey Tumblers
by Doris Isaacs
Issue #87 - July 1980
A "Whiskey Tumbler" collection is both fun and inexpensive to put together. The price of the very scarce ones still rarely exceeds $20, and most are much less.
While you are looking for your favorite etchings, Nearcut patterns, or even a crackle one, be sure not to overlook the crystal and colored ones in such patterns as: Nautilus, Barrel, Pinch, Ball, Mt. Vernon, Caprice and many others. You may also run across the Caprice Alpine in both crystal and color (ref: Crystal Ball #80, Dec. 1979).
Add to the above the many different decorations, cuttings, and etchings, plus the ones found in Farber holders, the Georgian pattern, and stemmed whiskeys, and you can see that the variety is almost endless! Here are a few pictures to help you on your way. Have fun!

The little whiskey shown in Photo #1 is in the Aero Optic pattern (ref: Weatherman II, pg. 40). It is in the willow blue color and was found in a cabinet containing salts and repro swans.
Photo #2 shows an amber whiskey tumbler with Apple Blossom etching. We were lucky enough to find this one at one of the N.C.C. shows.
The #731 etching doesn't show up in Photo #3 on the Carmen with crystal foot. But you can check the N.C,C. 1930-34 Catalog Reprint on page C for the etch. This is the only one we've seen, and we treasure it even though it does have a small nick on the foot.
Photo #4 pictures
from left to right: willow blue Aero Optic; crystal with Gloria
etching, crystal etched Marjorie with gold rim; and Gold Krystol
The Gloria etched one has a paper inside to help show the pattern. Look closely and note how small it is. It was purchased through the Depression Daze from an N.C.C member/dealer. The etched Marjorie was bought at an estate Auction near Zanesville. The crackle one was in the 1979 N.C.C. Auction.
Editor's N0TE - It is with a great deal of pleasure that we are able to inform you that Doris and Roy Isaacs have moved back to Cambridge, Ohio, alter living in California this past two years. They have been greatly missed and we are happy to "WELCOME" them home again!