"Near-Cut" Catalog Pages - Chelsea #4070
by Phyllis Smith
Supplement to Issue #82, February 1980
Over a period of several months, we have included in the CRYSTAL BALL, pages taken from an old Nearcut Catalog, containing pictures of the Nearcut Chelsea Ware #4070. This particular Nearcut Catalog is not dated and simply states that it is Catalog No. 10. It is with deep appreciation that we thank Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mosser of Cambridge Ohio for loaning us this catalog to be used in this manner.
The Chelsea pattern could possibly be the last "New" pattern produced by the Cambridge Glass Company during their Nearcut Era (1904-1922). We have no proof at this time as to how long it was in production, but because of it's scarcity on the market today, it could be assumed it was not in production for too long a period.