NEARCUT Patterns - Gothic
by Phyllis Smith
Issue 66 - October 1978
There are times when one has to stop and ask one's self the question "Just where do you come up with the nerve to write an article for the CRYSTAL BALL, when you know so little about your subject matter?" and the answer is really quite simple.
A basic belief in trying to share with others what little information we have is really all the motivation needed.
This month's offering is a case in point. The page from an old NEARCUT catalog that is reproduced on the next page here, shows us a Pattern #2970, called Gothic. Obviously this line was sold to restaurants, ice cream parlors, and businesses that incorporated soda fountains, etc.
Evidently this was not a large line with the Cambridge Glass Company, because there is just this one page shown in the catalog. Perhaps this explains why very, very little of this pattern has shown up to date.
Like many of the NEARCUT patterns produced by Cambridge, this pattern could be easily confused with several of their other offerings such as their "Colonial" and "Community" patterns.
We have one piece of this pattern in our personal collection of NEARCUT. It is the cover for the Crushed Fruit Jar and it has a big chip on it. But, we purchased it anyway because it is Marked on the inside of the very top of the lid, thusly--
Of course we have no way of knowing if every piece in this pattern is marked or not, but since we find so many pieces in other patterns both marked and unmarked, we would doubt if this pattern would be an exception.