NEARCUT Patterns - an Unknown
by Phyllis Smith
Issue 65, September 1978
The NEARCUT pattern we are showing you this month is a bit more
unusual than most of our NEARCUT. Our catalog page is in bad condition,
so we hope our printer
will be able to do whatever he can to reproduce
it well. To our knowledge this will be the first time this pattern has
ever been shown.
We know of only one piece in this pattern. It is a basket and try as we may, the owner will not part with it! Can't say that we blame her, we wouldn't part with it either. Please note that the leaves are pressed and the flowers have been cut to finish the design.
The NEARCUT catalog that this page comes from does not have a date as to when it was issued, so the best we can do is venture a slightly educated guess. The following text is found in the front of the catalog and provides us with our only clue:
"We beg to draw your attention to the fact that we operate two factories, one at Cambridge and the other at Byesville, Ohio, with main offices at Cambridge, Ohio.
The Cambridge factory produces a full line of pressed tableware, bar supplies and iron mold goods, as well as a full line of druggist sundries; while the Byesville factory manufactures a complete line of lead blown tumblers and stemware in fancy cuttings and etchings.
We employ upwards to 800 people in our factory and invite you to visit us and see a model glass factory."
From the information we have available to us at this time, the Byesville plant was in operation from approximately 1910 to 1916.
We would like to express our Thanks to Mr. Tom Mosser for allowing us to use his catalog for this series of articles.