Buffalo Hunt Scene
by Russell Vogelsong
Issue #52 - August 1977
Mary Martha Mitchell, former secretary to Mr. A. J.
Bennett, President of the Cambridge Glass Company, has furnished us
with the following information on the Indian and Buffalo Hunt bowl.
Mary Martha explained that the pattern was copied from a Frederic Remington painting and that it took over nine months to complete.
She also explained that it did not sell and was discontinued shortly after its introduction. Mary Martha added that she believed it was thirty years too soon for public acceptance.
(Newsletter Vol. II, No. 3, September 30, 1972)
EDITOR'S NOTE: During 1971-1973, a very interesting Newsletter on Cambridge glass was edited and published by Mr. Russell Vogelsong of Akron, Ohio. We acknowledge with appreciation the fact that Mr. Vogelsong has graciously granted us permission to reprint information from his Newsletter in the CRYSTAL BALL.