Etchings - #732 and Majestic
by Phyllis Smith
Issue No. 46 February 1977
In our never ending study of Cambridge glass, we would like to point
out to you a couple of confusing etched patterns.
Shown at left are two 12 oz. footed tumblers. They are both from the #3120 stem line. The etching on one is very simply named Number "732", while the other has the almost regal name of "Majestic".
Upon close examination we find the etching to be the same on both tumblers. The only difference being the cutting that has been added to the one called "Majestic". Note how it has been cut around the top, foot and the stem to further enhance its beauty.
For a closer study of these two lovely etchings, please refer to your copy of our 1930-34 Catalog Reprint, pages 28 thru 31 and page 56.