Stemware - 3011 "Nude" Line
by Frank and Vicki Wollenhaupt
Issue 42 - October 1976
This month finds us looking once again, at our beautiful 3011 Nude Lady stem.
patent drawing (shown at left) and information on this stem was presented by the Hokey
Pokey Study Club on page 6, Issue No. 16 of the CRYSTAL BALL.
The reissue aspect has been discussed by Dave McFadden in his "Is it Cambridge" columns, Issue No. 18 page 5 and Issue No. 20, page 1.
What we would like to clear up in this article is the misconception as to the size of the Nude stem and the size of the bowl.
The No. 3011 figure stem line was introduced to the trade in an advertisement China, Glass and Lamps, October, 1931. The advertisement is shown at the end of this article. From the photo in the ad, it looks like the early stems had the line optic bowls and the later stems had the plain bowls.
The Nude figure was made in three different sizes: 4¼ to 4½ in., 5¼ to 5½ in. and 6¼ to 6½ in. The small quarter inch difference in each size is due to the hand finishing. We will hereafter refer to the sizes as 4½, 5½ and 6½.
The items found on the different sized sterns are as follows. Those found on the 4½ stem are: 3011/11 - 3 oz. cocktail, 3011/8 - 4½ oz. sauterne, 3011/10 - 3 oz. cocktail (different bowl), 3011/9 - 3 oz. cocktail (different bowl), 3011/12 - 3, 3011/13 - 1 oz. brandy, 3011/14 - 1 oz. cordial, and a 5 in. shell comport.
0n the 5½ size can be found the 3011/2 - table goblet, 3011/3 - saucer champagne, 3011/5 - 6 oz. hock, 3011/7 - 4½ oz. claret, 3011/6 - 5 oz. roemer, the covered sweetmeat, cigarette holder, covered cigarette box, ash tray, 3011/25 - ivy ball 3011/29 - 4 in. mint (4 in. is size of shell top), 3011/27 - 5~3/8 in. comport, and 3011/28 - covered candy box.
On the 6½ size can be found the 3011/1 - banquet goblet, the 7 in. comport flared, 9 in. candlestick, 7 in. cupped comport, covered cigarette box, 9 in. candlestick with bobeche and prisms, 3011/26 bud vase, and 7 in. comport shell top.
The stems are measured from the bottom of the stem foot (not the figure's foot) to the top of her hands, just under the bowl. The comports might measure just a bit taller because of the way they are finished.
The 3011 Line has its share of hard to find items. One of them is the 3011/1 banquet goblet. You will see a lot of table goblets listed as banquet goblets, but remember the banquet will be round on the tall stem only. Other hard to find items are the 3011/5 hock, 3011/6 roemer, 3011/11 cocktail, 3011/8 sauterne, 3011/10 cocktail, 3011/14 cordial, covered sweetmeat, 3011/29 4 in. mint, 3011/26 bud vase and the 3011/28 covered candy box. These are difficult to find in any color.
The new NCC Catalog Reprint shows a pretty good list of the 3011 stems and the different bowl shapes. From the catalog we also see that various etchings can be found on some of the nudes. To date we have only seen etchings on the nude comports and a few Crown Tuscan stems. It could be assumed that etchings on the various drinking items would be rated VERY hard to find.
In the past year or two, some very interesting things have shown up in the 3011 Line. We have seen them with silver overlay, signed Rockwell; with topaz bowls; with Carmen and pistachio crackle tops; Crown Tuscan nudes with amber, dark green, amethyst and royal blue cocktail tops; and comports in a11 green, all pink and all mandarin gold.
If anyone has seen any other odd combinations on the 3011 stem, please let us know.