Flower Holders - Part XI
by Bill Smith
Issue 40 - August 1976
This month we take pleasure in introducing you to two fair ladies from Japan. Via the city of Cambridge, that is. The ladies are Geisha Girl number 522 and number 523.
According to the catalog description,
these ladies are each 13 inches high. Old advertising indicates that
they are 12 inches high. From actual measurements, the catalog is more
correct. There is, however, variation found in the heights.
Mr. Webster's dictionary defines a Geisha as "a Japanese professional singing and dancing girl". Perhaps this would account for the similarity of the costumes.
We have questioned many people Knowledgeable in the Oriental customs regarding the the variations of hair style. The only explanation for the difference seems to be that they are different girls. Being individuals they each had their own style.
We have heard it discussed that Mr. Bennett must have had a personal appreciation of the Orient to have used so much of its influence in his designs. Recent glimpses into the background seem to indicate that this influence in the design of Cambridge glass would have been the result of market preferences of the period rather than the personal preference of Mr. Bennett. Many products carried similar design influence during the late Twenties.
Whatever the reason for the design, we feel that these are truly two very attractive ladies. This is especially true when viewed in the various colors of Cambridge. Our ad states that they were produced in Emerald, Amber-Glo, Peach-Blo and crystal. We have also seen them in opaque colors.
These figures differ from those shown in past articles in the fact
that the figure and the base are separate pieces. The figure, as shown
at the far left, has a threaded screw type bottom. This threaded portion
was screwed into a metal retaining ring which had been Inserted into an
opening in the center of the base from the bottom. These parts may be
seen in the photo at right.
The pot metal retaining ring was formed with an extension on the outer circumference which engaged with a shoulder molded in the base. Pressure thus applied by the threads would hold the figure.
These figures seem to be slightly more plentiful than the Eagle recently discussed. Their attractiveness coupled with the degree of rarity creates premium prices in the show booths.
Sketches courtesy of Mr. Paul Roberts.