Cambridge Glass / Farber Brothers Holders
by Gwen Shumpert
Issue 37 - May 1976
When I first started collecting Cambridge glass, I thought all pieces in chrome holders marked Farber Brothers were Cambridge - but not so - and since there is not much information around on these items, I decided to show you some Cambridge/Farber Brothers this month.
First of all, though, I want to thank the Board of Directors of the National Cambridge Collectors Club, Inc, Bill and Phyllis Smith and Harold Bennett for their help in "weeding out" the non-Cambridge items. All photographs shown here have been positively identified as Cambridge/Farber Brothers items. Photographs by Billy Shumpert.

Editors Note: The Cambridge CRYSTAL BALL wishes to express sincere thanks and appreciation to Barbara Shaeffer, Editor of the RAINBOW REVIEW GLASS JOURNAL (P.O.Box 2315, Costa Mesa, California 92626) for her permission to reprint this article by Gwen Shumpert. Gwen is a contributing Editor to RAINBOW REVIEW GLASS JOURNAL and this article appeared in their April, 1976 issue. Since so little information is available on Cambridge Glass/Farber Brothers Holders, we felt this article would be of particular interest to our members.