by Dave Rankin
Issue 36 - April 1976
This month we will discuss our last two specialty trademarks. The first trademark (shown at right) appeared on an Azurite candlestick. As Lynn Welker established in his Cambridge Rainbow column (CRYSTAL BALL, January, 1976, pg. 5). Azurite was introduced to the trade in 1922. Glass trade advertising on Azurite continued through 1924. This date range for Azurite provides us with the only basis from which to surmise a date range for our mark.
The mark itself appears to be coin gold applied to the surface of the glass. It measures 5/8 in. overall on each side and the triangle is ½ in. on each side. Since our sample trademark was a little faint we were unable to reproduce it by photographic means. A hand-drawn facsimile is shown at right.
Our final trademark, shown at left, was applied to some Crown Tuscan pieces. Trade advertising tells us that Crown Tuscan was introduced in the fall of 1932. Examination of existing Cambridge color books reveals that this acid stamp signature appears predominantly on 3400 line items, also on Gadroon (3500) and Statuesque (3O1l) Frequent decorations on these pieces are Diane (D/1012), Chintz (D/955), Portia {D/1001) and a lace type decoration D/l007-8).
Each of these lines and decorations appears on two pages in the 1933 addition to the 1930-1934 Cambridge catalogue in the club's possession. It was also noted in this examination of the color books that the mark did not appear on Seashell pieces (new in 1935) or on pieces decorated in Rose Point (introduced in November, 1934) or on later lines. This suggests that usage of the Crown Tuscan acid Stamp was limited to the years 1932-34.
With these two trademarks we have concluded our discussion of the known Cambridge trademarks and labels. We will from time to time, provide any additional information which comes to our attention. Shortly we will also provide a pictorial summary of the labels and trademarks covered. At this point we invite your comments, questions and information on any trademarks not covered. We hope that this series has been informative, not only from the standpoint of the marks, but also from the supportive information used.