
by Dave Rankin
Issue 35 - March 1976

This month we will continue our discussion of specialty trademarks with two more labels from the 1930's.

The first trademark is a paper label which was applied to items with YE OLDE IVY etching. Ye Olde Ivy label The IVY etching was done on stemware and serving pieces, mainly in the Tally-Ho line. It was advertised in China, Glass and Lamps in June 1935 with Maddock and Miller's dinner service with IVY decoration. The IVY etching appears to have been of fairly limited production, therefore, we have very little information to aid in establishing usage dates for our label. in addition to the advertising the presence of the Triangle C is our only other dating aid. As we established in earlier articles, usage of the Triangle C was discontinued at the end of 1937. We speculated that this would also apply to other labels. This yields a date range of 1935-1937.

YE OLDE IVY label is approximately ½ in. by 1 1/8 in. with a green background. Our thanks go to Doris Issacs of Cambridge for making the label available for this article.

Japonica logo Our next label is unique in our discussion. It is not a mark in the glass, nor a paper label, nor an acid stamp, nor a display sign. It is applied white enamel as is the Japonlca decoration with which it is associated.

Again we have very little information for establishing usage dates. Japonlca has been attributed to 1937 only. We have no new information to add at this point. We should, however, note again that a usage date of 1937 is consistent with dating information previously discussed on trademarks with the Triangle C.

Next time still more specialty trademarks.