Stems - Tally-Ho (pressed)

by Frank and Vicki Wollenhaupt
Issue 34 - February 1976

Since last month's column on the #1402 stem, I have had another thought brought to my attention. The 1402/100 can be found on the stem as in Figure #1 (January 1976, Crystal Ball). The #1402/150 and #1402/200 can be found on the Figure #2 stem. The only difference in the #1402/150 and #1402/2OO is the shape of the bowl.

This month's stem is the other #1402 (Tally-Ho) stem. This stem is the heavier of the two. On October 11, 1932, design Patent 87,932 was issued to W. C. McCartney. Tally-Ho goblet (pressed) From the date of this patent we can determine that this was the first of the Tally-Ho stems. The patent was granted for a goblet or similar article.

In the October, 1932 issue of China, Glass and Lamps, the #1402/1 stem is shown with the Imperial Hunt Scene etching on it.

The 1930-1934 Cambridge Catalogue shows the stem in the following sizes: #1402/1 - 18 oz. goblet (etched Imperial Hunt Scene); #1402/2 - 14 oz. goblet (etched Catawba}; #1402/3 - 10 oz. goblet (R.C. engraved #690); #l402/4 - 10oz. lunch goblet; #1402/7 - 6oz. tall stem tomato or orange juice; 14O2/9 - 4½ oz. claret; #1402/10 - 4 oz. cocktail; #1402/13 - 1 oz. cordial; #1402/12 - 2½ oz. wine; #1402/8 - 5 oz. low stem tomato or orange juice; #1402/11 - 4 oz. low stem cocktail or oyster cocktail; #1402/6 - 6½ oz. low sherbet; #1402/5 - 7½ oz. tall sherbet and #1402/2O - 4½ oz. sherbet.

This stem has been found in Carmen, Amber, Crystal and Forest Green.