Stems - Tally-Ho
by Frank and Vicki Wollenhaupt
Issue 33 - January 1976
Tally-Ho is our first stem choice for 1976. The designation for this stem is 1402/100, 1402/150 and 1402/200.
On May 9. 1933, patent number 89,821 was granted to Wilbur L. 0rme. The patent was a design patent, for a goblet or similar article.
Looking through the trade publications around this time period
didn't produce a single ad for this stem. One item of information that
was found in the July 1934 issue of China Glass and Lamps was a
photo of a table setting by B. Altman a using the Tally-Ho stem.
Three sizes of the stem were used in the table setting.
The Tally-Ho stem is first found in the 1930-34 Cambridge catalogue. The stem can be found listed as: 1402/100; 1402/150; 1402/200. After lookIng at these items, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the 100-150-200 designation depicts the shape of the bowl.
The items that can be found in the 14O2/100 stem are wine, goblet, tall sherbet, low sherbet, oyster cocktail, claret, 5 oz. footed tumbler, 3 oz. footed tumbler, brandy inhaler(tall) cordial, brandy inhaler(low) 12 oz. footed tumbler, 12 oz. footed tumbler(tall bowl) and a 16 oz. footed tumbler. This 100 bowl shape is seen with the Elaine, Valencia and Minerva etchings on it in the 1930-34 Cambridge catalogue.
Items in the 1402/150 stem are: 12 oz. footed tall tumbler, 12 oz. footed tumbler, 9 oz. footed tumbler, 3 oz wine, low sherbet, 3½ oz. cocktail and a 1 oz. cordial. This 150 bowl is shown in the 1930-34 Cambridge catalogue with the Elaine etching on it.
Items in the 1402/200 stem are: 10 oz. footed tumbler, 5 oz., footed tumbler, 6 oz. low sherbet, 3 oz. footed tumbler, 3½ oz. cocktail and a 1 oz. pousse-cafe. The 200 shape bowl is shown in the 1930-34 catalogue with the #766 Chintz etching.
All of the l402/100-150-200 items are thin, mold blown stems. There is another 1402 stem in this line and it is a heavy pressed stem. It will be discussed next month.
Below are two closeup photos of the 1402 tall stem showing both front view(right) and side view(left) details.