Stems - 1066 "Aurora"
by Frank and Vicki Wollenhaupt
Issue 32, December 1975
The #1066 AURORA might be one of the most confusing stems that Cambridge made.
Fry, Morgantown and several other glass factories made a stem similar to AURORA. However, the Cambridge stem is easily recognized after a little study.
The AURORA stem has been seen
in three sizes and in each size the
ball has been divided into twelve sections. Each section has a
cross-hatch design, as shown in the photo at left.
The first appearance we find of this line is in the 1930-34 Cambridge catalogue. We could find no advertising for this stem in the trade publications during the 1928-35 time period. We do, however, find it shown as late as 1949-50 in the Cambridge catalogue.
This line can be found in all the popular transparent colors and
some (non-stemware) in Crown Tuscan.
Usually the stem is Crystal with the bowl,
comport or such, being in one of the transparent colors. A few items
have been seen with the stem in color. The 1930-34 catalogue shows a
comport with Ebony foot and Crown Tuscan stem and bowl.
We have found reference for the following items on this stem: 12 oz., 9 oz., 5 oz., and 3 oz. ftd. Tumblers; 7 oz. low and 7 oz. tall Sherbets; 3 oz. low and 3 1/2 oz. tall Cocktail; 5 oz. Oyster Cocktail; 11 oz. Goblet; 4 1/2 oz. Claret; 3 oz. Wine; 1 oz. Cordial; 2 oz. Sherry; 1 oz. Pousse Cafe; 3/4 oz. Brandy and a 5 oz. Cafe Parfait. They also made a 7" ftd. Ivy Ball; 5 1/2" blown Comport (with and without cover); 5 3/8" blown Candy Box with cover; 3" ftd. Ash Tray and an oval Cigarette Holder with ash tray foot.
(Editors Note: For additional reference to this stem, see Welker Reprint #1, pages 13 & 15 and Welker Reprint #2, pages 6, 7 & 51.)