by Dave Rankin
Issue 28, August, 1975
The last general line trademark to be discussed is the GENUINE HAND
MADE CAMBRIDGE paper label. This label is shown in figure 1 and differs
only slightly from the Cambridge label which preceded it. The
was dropped and emphasis was
placed on the word CAMBRIDGE. In addition to the paper label in figure
1 (below left), the word CAMBRIDGE shown in figure 2 (below right), was
registered with the U.S. Patent Office. Both applications were filed
September 19, 1947 under the new trademark act of 1946 in class
33-glassware. Registration #514037 covers the label in figure 1 and
registration #514036 covers the word CAMBRIDGE, figure 2.

In both registrations Cambridge claimed usage since 1927; however,
clarification is required. We have already established that the
CAMBRIDGE paper labels were used in 4 forms
from 1927 to 1937. This label first appeared in advertising in early
1938 and was also announced to the trade in an article in China, Glass
and Lamps in January, 1938.
The label remained in this format until the final closing of the plant in 1958. However, there are variations in size and paper.
The oldest versions, like the versions which preceded it, were printed with black ink on yellow paper and have appeared in two sizes. The most frequently observed size measures 20mm x 12mm while the larger size, 28mm x 16mm, is occasionally observed. We have not been able to identify any specific time frame for the larger label since the few pieces observed so far, appear to have been produced throughout the entire date range of 1937-1958 but could have come into use prior to 1955. We have not been able to determine the exact transition date, however, the plant closing and reopening is the most significant event from 1937-1958 that is likely to have caused a change in labels.
Until more information surfaces we will not make a distinction, datewise, between the large and small sizes and we will use the first plant closing as the transition date.
In summary, the following date ranges apply to the GENUINE HAND MADE CAMBRIDGE paper labels:
Yellow paper (large and small) 1938-1954
Gold foil paper 1955-1958
Next month we will begin discussions of specialty trademarks and labels.