Flower Holders = Part IV
by Bill Smith
Issue 21 - January 1975
The flower holder for this month in the Figure holder that is found most often of all the Figures. In the Cambridge area she is commonly called by the name "Draped Lady". The eight and one half inch lady, shown at left, is the most commonly seen size.
Officially, in publications by the Cambridge Glass Co., we have number references to her only. This figure was manufactured under three numbers at least as a flower holder. The thirteen inch figure was number 513 (at right), the eight inch was number 518 (at left) and the oval base variety (below left) carried the number 849. The lady on the oval base is the most difficult to find.
The 1930 catalog from which these numbers were obtained, listed only this figure as having the oval base. The base type in this catalog was all of the number two type as shown.
In addition to this use for flower holders the figure was used on a short flat type base for a lamp. The base had a hole in the back of it for the insertion of the tubing that was used to support the lamp socket and to conceal the cord. The base also had a notch to permit the cord exit.
The figure was made in a wide color range. Nearly all of the transparent colors have been found recently and also a couple in Crown Tuscan We also have one unconfirmed report of a black or Ebony figure being found. It is also interesting to note that early advertising of these figures stated that they were being made in Crystal, Amber-glo, Peach-blo, Emerald, and Willow Blue. We would be very interested in hearing from anyone with information as to any figures in opaque colors that have been found.
While we are discussing color, we would be remiss not to mention some local discussion we are now having regarding colors. It was stated in an earlier article that a figure was in a light blue color, not Moonlight. This color has since been identified as the Willow Blue mentioned above. It was introduced in the late 1920's: late 1928 or early 1929. There are also several indicators appearing that the emerald color mentioned above is the light green color that most of us are now calling "Apple". If any of you readers would have any definite information regarding the use of a name "Apple Green" by Cambridge Glass, please let us know. This could be from Cambridge ads, catalogs, or price lists. In fact, any official Cambridge literature. Please indicate where you have obtained your information.
Many of us have been collecting Cambridge for a long period of time and others of us for shorter periods of time, but regardless of the time element, we have all found that there are a great many questions about this company and it's product that have not as yet been answered in present publications. One of the reasons for this column and for that matter, the paper itself, is to further the knowledge and to try to provide answers to many of the questions. A great many of you readers are never heard from during the course of the year. If each of you would contribute one new bit of information to this publication each year, we would have more than two hundred of those questions answered. It would not be necessary for you to write an accomplished article, though this would be more than welcomed, just send your information to any of the many addresses that appear each issue and one of us will get your information in to this publication for all to appreciate. You can also contribute to this effort by letting us know what your questions are. Please take the time to let someone on the staff or this paper hear from you soon.