Flower Holders - Part II
by Bill Smith
Issue #19 - November 1974
Think with me a momennt if you will, about a very hot summer day, a cool pond partially covered over with water lilies, a young lady, and a shady glen with enough seclusion to entice the young lady to refresh herself in the pond.
Upon emerging from the pond, she proceeds to dry herself with a towel or a part of her garments. In the process she drops her towel, and just at that moment you wander into the glen.
Our young lady, being the shy demure type, takes what measures she
can to cover herself. Her right hand goes to her bosom, and her left to
her thlghs, clutching at the wayward towel. Now, in bending forward
slightly, she has done all that she can to cover herself.
Allow me at this time, to introduce you to "Charlotte". Or as you will come to know her, "Bashful Charlotte". She is a Very beautiful young lady and a very desirable addition to a family of Cambridge Flower Figures.
Who actually named this young lady is not known, but it is obvious why she has received such a name. The 1940 Cambridge catalog has only numbers for her. #1114 is the 6½" variety and #1115 is the 11" size. It is interesting that in this catalog the pictures of her are reversed. Apparently this is some sort of printing error, as the other ladies on the page are also reversed. This becomes apparent when you describe which hand is being used for what and compare the picture to the actual product.
Whether or not additional sizes of this figure were produced is an open question. As of this printing, I have only seen the 6½" and the 11" varieties. These sizes are mold size reference only and you will find a wide range of dimensions less than the above stated. The upper portion of the figure had a tendency to settle during the initial cooling immediately after removal from the mold. This explains also, why some lean forward more than others.
Each of the examples that I have seen of these figures have had the "type 2" (Smooth side) base.
In the Bennett book of "Cambridge Glass", they show one example where "Charlotte" was used on a square black base for a nite light. This item is credited to 1930 production.
We bave seen exanples of these Figures in crystal, peach-blo, Apple green, and one in very pale (not Moonlight) blue. Some of those seen have also had a Satin finish.
Regardless of color, size, satin, or even base type, our "Bashful Charlotte" is a very nice lady to add to your collection.