Patterns - Figure or Statuesque
by Ruth Forsythe
Issue #5 - September 1973
A change this month from popular Near Cut to the Queen of them all- FIGURE or STATUESQUE.
This pattern is commonly referred to as the exotic "Cambridge Nude".
A figure with such grace and beauty should really not be called a nude,
but rather we might say she is in a condition of being undraped.
Needless to say, she is a favorite of many Cambridge Glass collectors as she is truly an artistic accomplishment done in excellent taste. And, we might add, the sweet little lady is rapidly advancing in price. She is one hundred percent Cambridge beauty as no other glass company has made the human figure quite like Cambridge STATUESQUE. The approximate dates of manufacture are 1936 to 1954.
The subject has long hair which if hanging straight down would come to about the center of her back. However, the upper part of her body leans to the right as does her hair. The raised right arm comes through her hair. There is good detail on her figures and some pieces she wears a bracelet on one arm at the wrist; some pieces, a bracelet on each arm and on others, no bracelet at all as the arm is perfectly smooth at the wrist. She appears to have most of her weight supported by the left foot with the right foot slightly back in relaxed position. The toes of the left foot are quite visible. The right foot seems to be covered by a flimsy drape which must have fallen from around her body. On some pieces, the right foot is visible; on others it is covered.. She stands on a disc- like platform which is attached to the base of the object. The body is in almost perfect proportion; truly a magnificent work of art.
The arms are gracefully raised upward to support many different shapes of utility ware. The object she is holding rests slightly on the left side of her tilted head.
Following is a list of most of the glass made in STATUESQUE: Banquet
Goblet, Hock Glass, Sauterne, Claret, Cocktail, Wine, Brandy, Cordial,
Covered Sweetmeat, Cigarette Box and cover, Ash Tray, Cigarette Holder,
Candlesticks, Flared Comport, Shell Comport, Bud Vase and Ivy Ball.
The supporting FIGURE or STATUESQUE was mad in Crown Tuscan, Blue Milk, Ebony, Satin, Clear, Peach-Blo, Crown Tuscan with Gold and possibly others.
The bowls of the drinking vessels are clear and in most Cambridge Transparent colors. Other pieces in Transparent colors, clear, Crown Tuscan and Blue Milk. Many of the Crown Tuscan pieces are decorated with gold, gold and enamel floral and combined gold, enamel and floral scenic decoration.
Have had the pleasure of seeing banquet goblets in Carmen, Pistachio and Mandarin Gold Crackle with STATUESQUE Stems. These seem to be few and far between.
Recently heard of some Cambridge "nude" wines for sale. Traveled quite some distance only to find they were similar, but definitely not Cambridge. The big difference was in the hair of the figure which hung straight across her back. Also, the bowls of the wines were iridescent.
We can truly crown our STATUESQUE Queen Miss America as she was designed and made in America. She is all ours and we love her.