Patterns - CHELSEA
by Ruth Forsythe
Issue #4 - August 1973
The pattern for this month is CHELSEA. We usually think of Chelsea as a porcelain of the mid seventeen hundreds. Chelsea porcelain was believed to contain some flint glass in its composition.
Cambridge CHELSEA is one hundred
percent glass. The simplicity of
the pattern is refreshing with the plain upper portion of the piece
complimenting the vertical pattern at the bottom.
The accompanying photo speaks for itself. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words.
CHELSEA is one of the old patterns of the Near Cut family and rather heavy.
Many of the old Near Cut patterns are very difficult to find. If you do find some good Cambridge patterns, (early of late) better buy them. Don't wait for so called bargains. Today's prices will certainly become tomorrow's bargains.
The patterns covered so far in the CRYSTAL BALL are FEATHER CUT, WILD ROSE, INVERTED STRAWBERRY and CHELSEA. If any of you club members have any additional information pertinent to patterns already covered, we would be most happy to hear from you.
. . .
Had an interesting experience recently in an Antique shop in Brazil, Indiana, regarding some Inverted Strawberry pink slag tumblers. The shop owner told me that they were not very old, but were made from an old mold of the now defunct Cambridge Glass Company. I tried to explain that the mold was not original, but that a new mold had been made. Believe it or not, he showed me a recent issue of a very well known price guide from which he had obtained the information.
So-o-o it's in the book. Right or wrong, it's in the book. And, I feel certain the gentleman believed the book and not a complete stranger who walked into his shop.
Until next month, Happy findings.