by Charles Upton
Issue #1 - May 1973
It is with the greatest pleasure that I present the "CRYSTAL BALL" to you for your reading pleasure and I extend a warm welcome to each and every member of the greatest organization in the world, The NATIONAL CAMBRIDGE COLLECTORS, Inc.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every member of the Board of Directors for their tireless efforts in helping in every way to see that the NATIONAL CAMBRIDGE COLLECTORS, Inc. became a reality, and I am sure that it will continue to grow and become worthy of the representation of the Company and glassware that it represents.
On March 5, 1973, the first organizational meeting of the Board of Directors was held in the Community Room of the Cambridge Savings and Loan Co. in Cambridge, Ohio. The purpose of this meeting was to present the intent and purpose of the proposed organization to the persons who were chosen to serve on the original Board of Directors, and to confirm the list of names chosen. The persons chosen were picked for their individual abilities which were considered to be important for the success of the organization. Everyone could not be chosen to serve, so please do not feel left out, by any means. We will need the help and efforts of many people to assure the future of the organization.
The organization was formed at the first meeting and officers were elected and various committees appointed. The Board elected me to serve as the President; Ruth Forsythe of Plain City, Ohio as Vice-President; Richard Pavlov of Cambridge as Secretary; John Wolfe of Cambridge as Treasurer. The Constitution and By-Laws were read and discussed and were adopted at the next meeting of the Board, which was held April 3, 1973.
Members of the Board of Directors were asked to bring an item of Cambridge Glass to the meeting, that they considered to be rare, and we viewed some real "goodies". I will not elaborate on each item, but there were a couple of real desirable pieces that I would like to own. If we can organize an exhibit which everyone can display their goodies, for 1974, I am sure that a visit to Cambridge next year will be a must for anyone interested in Cambridge Glass. You will see pieces that you never knew existed.
The ultimate goal of this organization is to establish a permanent museum, here in Cambridge, Ohio for the preservation and study of Cambridge Glass. Everyone can come and study the many colors, shapes, cutting, etchings and decorations that were used on Cambridge Glass. We are all looking forward to this goal and realize that it is in the distant future and that it can only become a reality through the tireless efforts of the members of this organization.
We encourage the formation of local study clubs which will meet more regularly for the study of Cambridge Glass and we will furnish names of National members in your area to help you get organized. We will help with anything you wish if it is possible.
A convention is being planned for the May, 1974 meeting, and I am sure that it will be one to remember for years to come. The people that have been appointed to this task are very capable and have the knowledge to construct such a convention. You should, therefor, try to plan your vacations so that you will be here for the show and convention.
This publication will contain such information that is of interest to collectors of Cambridge Glass and will accept advertisements for publication. Any advertisement that contains reproductions will not knowingly be accepted for publication unless they are very clearly stated as such. All advertisements should be directed to Dale Snode, R.D. #6, Cambridge, Ohio 43725. Rates for advertisements are published in each publication.
Please let us know of things that you would like to see in the publication in the future and we will try our best to satisfy your reading desires. Let us know of any good finds of rare Cambridge Glass so you can share your joy with everyone else. Send you letters to Richard Pavlov, 623 Wheeling Ave, Cambridge, Ohio 43725 and please send you SASE for return replies, so we can keep down expenses. Dick volunteered for the job of publishing our monthly letter and he has experience in this field and a great big THANK YOU! For Dick Pavlov. A big job with little thanks.
There is a beautiful museum being built here in Cambridge, to house the personal collection of Harold and Judy Bennett. It is to be open for the Sixth Annual Cambridge Antique Showsale which will be held at the National Guard Armory on the 5th and 6th of May. I am sure that you will be well pleased for the visit to Cambridge this year.
In closing, I would like to thank Ruth Forsythe, Evelyn Allen, Bob Coyle and Loren Yeakley for the abundance of advice and counseling that they gave John Wolfe and myself in building this organization to this point. They are the persons that really fed the fuel to make the gears turn. John and I thank each of you.
We hope that you will find enjoyment and education from being a member of the NATIONAL CAMBRIDGE COLLECTORS, Inc. and that you will encourage others to become members. Let us all be good representatives of the organization and let us try to live up to the quality of the Cambridge Glass Company and the beautiful product that it produced. With this thought in mind, let us now work together to make this organization one to be proud of.
Happy Collecting