Enter National Advertising
Cambridge Glass Co. Swells Roster of Domestic Factories Using National Programs
Contributed by Mark Nye
June 2008 - Issue 419
So read the headlines of an article in the March 1937 issue of "CROCKERY AND GLASS JOURNAL." Other domestic glass companies, including Fostoria, had already adopted a policy of advertising at the consumer level but until then, Cambridge's national advertising had been
limited to trade journals. This was to be their entry into the world of direct consumer advertising.
Cambridge placed trade advertisements in both "CROCKERY AND GLASS JOURNAL" and "China, Glass and Lamps" to announce to the trade they were beginning national advertising. Unfortunately the available copies of these advertisements are not suitable for reproduction here. The text of the initial advertisement in CGJ read:
"Now with the added Power of National Advertising. Cambridge is Stirring the Hearts of Women to Fulfill Their Desire for Finer Glassware. Beginning March first and carrying on thru the best selling months of the year, Cambridge national advertising will appear in three of America's most influential magazines. Thus the attention of many millions of women will be focused on the beauty of Cambridge Glassware and on the guarantee of quality for which the Cambridge trademark stands. And thus the merchandising opportunity for Cambridge retailers takes on greater significance. The Cambridge Glass Company, Cambridge, Ohio.
The text of another trade advertisement, published in the March 1937 of CGJ, read:
"Cambridge Prestige Coupled with Nation Advertising. By centering the attention of millions of women on glassware that has long been known for its leadership in styling and fine craftsmanship, Cambridge National Advertising creates wider interest that you can quickly translate into sales. Three leading national magazines are being used, featuring the beauty of Cambridge patented designs and emphasizing the quality that is symbolized by the Cambridge name and label. To all Cambridge Retailers this National Advertising brings greater opportunity for profitable volume in the field of fine handmade glassware. The Cambridge Glass Co., Cambridge, O."
Illustrating both advertisements was a picture containing issues of "Ladies Home Journal," The American Home," and "House & Garden." The Cambridge consumer level advertising program continued until June 1954, ending with the closure and subsequent sale of the company.
The balance of this article consists of the text of the previously cited article from CGJ announcing the advertising program. Four of the initial advertisements that appeared in consumer magazines are shown with this article.
"In February Cambridge Glass Company, of Cambridge, Ohio, inaugurated an extensive consumer advertising campaign which will bring a carefully planned and elaborate series of advertisements in America's leading magazines for home, and which will be augmented and backed by pamphlets, brochures and other dealer helps. This marks a distinctive step forward at the Cambridge factory, and marks, also, another milestone in the advances made by both the domestic glass and pottery industries for the last few years toward bringing their brand names emphatically and indelibly before the eventual women purchaser of their products.
The Cambridge Glass Company's entrance into a national advertising program will concentrate itself chiefly on recognized home and garden magazines with circulations to the type of people who have taste for the quality of glass Cambridge makes. Considerable advertising in journals and also by direct mail to the trade will back up this campaign and show the dealer how best to capitalize on the advertising Cambridge is doing for him.
Cambridge Glass Company was founded in 1901 and now, in its thirty-sixth year, employs 700 workers, the greatest proportion of which is skilled labor. They are one of two factories in the country which produce and cut glass in the same plant. In other words, one of the points which Cambridge is merchandising in its advertising is that any piece bearing the Cambridge label is completely and thoroughly a Cambridge creation, finished, cut, decorated entirely in the same Cambridge plant. There are no blanks sold to cutters.
Another Cambridge justifiable boast, which will be brought out in its advertising, and which can be merchandised by dealers, is that all of the pieces are hand made, no automatic devices ever having been used. Each piece bears the Cambridge label, and the national advertising is merchandising the brand name and the tradition of quality for which it stands. Similarly dealers will be able to merchandise through the label and institutional copy the "handmade" idea in displaying and selling Cambridge glass.
Cambridge Glass Company's step into national advertising swells the ranks of America's leading high quality glass factories who are capitalizing on the improved economic condition of the day to bring their names before a buying public which is eager for finer wares for their tables. Cambridge is merchandising to the dealers the thought that Cambridge styling and design and quality of ware have always been the points on which buyers had built their sales and promotions; and now they add to that direct advertising to the consumer as the most concrete and effective method of helping the retailer."