The Wild Side of Cambridge Glass
by Georgia G. Otten
"Wild Thing, you make my heart sing. You make everything groovy. Wild Thing, I think I love you"
Now, consider a glass collection. Some of the Cambridge
glass collectors (and they might be your friends) go so far
with their passion that they may even be taking a walk on
the 'wild' side of Cambridge. Shall I continue? I dare say
your eyes have already scanned this page to find out what
is in the article. However, cool down, it is nothing more
than a way to have you consider a grouping with a
Cambridge theme.
At the recent Benefit Auction, our Crystal Ball Editor asked, once again, for articles to be submitted for publication in the 'skinny' Crystal Ball. He also indicated that the articles do not have to be 'in depth' discussions. Ah-h-h that means this article qualifies ...just want you to see that it is easy to put something together. Just a theme ... "Wild" ... and that's all it took!
Did you see the punch set, in Amber, at the auction? #3200 Near Cut line, Cut Wild Rose. Wonderful!
Having mentioned the Cut Wild Rose, I will begin with that as one of the five items I have to discuss from the 'Wild' side of Cambridge glass. As mentioned, it is a Near Cut pattern and was produced in not only the punch set but also cream and sugars, berry sets, compotes, vases and various bowls. The punch set is known in Amber and Carmen as well as crystal. In an article by Ruth Forsythe (C.B. Issue #2) she discusses the name 'cut wild rose' and how it appears that a rose bud was cut in half lengthwise "exposing the inner beauty of the rose in the pattern." She also said, "We always think of wild rose as a single flower with five petals." And that brings me to the second of the items found for "Wild."
"Wild Rose" is one of the Named Etchings by Cambridge.
According to the Etchings By Cambridge Volume 1, the
earliest reference found was in a 1929 Trade Publication
and the etching can be found on stemware lines #3050,
#3051, and #3060. In the picture you can see very clearly
the "flower with five petals" as previously mentioned.
The next item using the 'Wild' word is "Wild Ducks" found alphabetically just ahead of Wild Rose in the Etchings by Cambridge Volume 1. As a gold encrusted decorate, this etching is known on the #643, 2-piece ash receiver in Ebony. That's it for that…simple enough, now just try to find it!
Next in the 'Wild' category is the wonderful and well-known
Cambridge etching, Wildflower. The earliest reference to
this etching is 1935. Wildflower was used on the major
lines 3400, 3500 Gadroon, 3600 Martha, Pristine and 3900
Corinth. The etching will also appear on many candleholders,
tumblers, various relish dishes and a #3650 bell. An entire
book is available on the etching Wildflower. The etching is
primarily found on crystal, plain or with gold edge, and will
appear on some Amber and Gold Krystol pieces. Though
elusive, there are some Cambridge examples in Ebony with
gold encrusted Wildflower.
The last item I have found is a numbered etching, E517. Collectors often refer to this etching as "Early Wildflower" so I am including it in the 'Wild' category! This etching can be found plain or with a gold encrustation and will be found on relish dishes, the #680 compact and #142 & #152 marmalade.
And there you have it ... everything you ever wanted to know about "The Wild Side of Cambridge." One question, are you humming, " Wild Thing, I think I love you?" Collecting Cambridge glass is a "wild thing' and yeah, I do love it ... you make my heart sing!